zgyarmati / aptly-plugin

Jenkins plugin for publishing .deb packages into Aptly via its REST API
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link
deb jenkins-plugin


Jenkins plugin for aptly debian repository manager

Setting up development environment

Install aptly

(from http://www.aptly.info/download/)

echo "deb http://repo.aptly.info/ squeeze main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys E083A3782A194991
apt-get update
apt-get install aptly

Running it:

aptly api serve -listen=:1080

Setting up the testproject:

aptly repo create -distribution="jessie" -component="coolproject-testing" coolproject-testing-jessie
aptly repo add coolproject-testing-jessie smartframeserver-snmpd_0.2.1_amd64.deb
aptly publish repo coolproject-testing-jessie
aptly repo create -distribution="jessie" -component="coolproject-testing" coolproject-testing-jessie
aptly publish repo -architectures="amd64,i386" coolproject-testing-jessie
aptly repo add coolproject-testing-jessie mypack_0.2.1_amd64.deb
aptly publish update jessie

Jenkins plugin setup

mvn -U org.jenkins-ci.tools:maven-hpi-plugin:create

mvnDebug hpi:run



REST client lib: http://unirest.io/java.html

Aptly multiple distributions https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/aptly-discuss/QhgkRlR577w

https://morph027.gitlab.io/post/protect-aptly-api-with-basic-authentication/ https://pypkg.com/pypi/pyptly/f/pyptly/api.py



aptly site: a remote or the local host where Aptly is running and serving the REST API, and one and more repositories

repository: a repository on an Aptly site. One Aptly site can have multiple repositories

package: a .deb file, which has to be uploaded and added to a repository registeren on an aptly site