zgzgorg / zgzg-bot

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ZGZG bot

Powered by Wechaty code style: prettier



$ git clone git@github.com:zgzgorg/zgzg-bot.git
$ cd zgzg-bot
$ npm install


$ npm start


You may need to ask for .env file that we use. Please contact William Chen(williamc@zgzg.io). We recommended use VScode for development


We use package Wechaty

Git push, Commit

We have pre-push, pre-commit, and commit-msg hook powered by husky and lint-staged

If you want to skip these please pass git --no-verify flag into.

git push will automatically update the package version under packages.json

Commit message

We use conventional commit message to make our contributor easy understand code changes

information: Commitlint, Conventional commits

The commit message format:

{type}(scope?): {subject}

Refer: https://commitlint.js.org/#/concepts-commit-conventions

Commit message type

refer to .commitlintrc.yml

chore:    Change build process, tooling or dependencies.
ci:       Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
          (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
feat:     Adds a new feature.
add:      Adds a new function, class.
fix:      Solves a bug.
docs:     Adds or alters documentation.
style:    Improves formatting, white-space.
refactor: Rewrites code without feature, performance or bug changes.
perf:     Improves performance.
test:     Adds or modifies tests.
revert:   Changes that reverting other changes.
remove:   Remove package, code unused or no longer need.
del:      Delete package, code unused or no longer need (same with remove).