zhanggang001 / HEDNet

HEDNet (NeurIPS 2023) & SAFDNet (CVPR 2024 Oral)
Apache License 2.0
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It is the official code release of HEDNet (NeurIPS 2023) and SAFDNet (CVPR 2024). We implemented HEDNet and SAFDNet on all datasets based on OpenPCDet.

Results on Waymo Open

Validation set

Model mAP/mAPH_L1 mAP/mAPH_L2 Vec_L1 Vec_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2
HEDNet-1x 81.1/79.1 75.0/73.0 80.2/79.7 72.3/71.9 79.3/76.4 76.4/71.9 79.1/78.1 76.2/75.3
SAFDNet-1x 81.2/79.2 75.1/73.2 80.2/79.7 72.2/71.8 79.9/76.9 76.8/72.6 79.1/78.1 76.2/75.2
HEDNet-2x 81.4/79.5 75.3/73.4 81.1/80.6 73.2/72.7 84.4/80.0 76.8/72.6 78.7/77.7 75.8/74.9
SAFDNet-2x 81.8/79.9 75.7/73.9 80.6/80.1 72.7/72.3 84.7/80.4 77.3/73.1 80.0/79.0 77.2/76.2

Test set

Model mAP/mAPH_L1 mAP/mAPH_L2 Vec_L1 Vec_L2 Ped_L1 Ped_L2 Cyc_L1 Cyc_L2 Leaderboard
HEDNet-2x 82.2/80.2 76.9/75.0 84.2/83.8 77.0/76.6 84.1/79.7 78.3/74.0 78.2/77.0 75.4/74.3 link
SAFDNet-2x 81.9/79.8 76.5/74.6 83.9/83.5 76.6/76.2 84.3/79.8 78.3/74.1 77.5/76.3 74.6/73.4 Todo

We could not provide the above pretrained models due to Waymo Dataset License Agreement.

Results on NuScenes

Validation set

Model mATE mASE mAOE mAVE mAAE mAP NDS Checkpoint
HEDNet 27.5 25.1 26.3 23.3 18.7 67.0 71.4 Todo
SAFDNet 27.2 25.1 24.9 25.6 18.9 66.3 71.0 Todo

Test set

Model mATE mASE mAOE mAVE mAAE mAP NDS Leaderboard
HEDNet 25.0 23.8 31.7 24.0 13.0 67.5 72.0 json
SAFDNet 25.1 24.2 31.1 25.8 12.7 68.3 72.3 json

Results on Argoverse2

Validation set

Model mAP Checkpoint
HEDNet-1x 37.3 Todo
SAFDNet-1x 39.4 Todo

Installation and usage

For OpenPCDet, please refer to INSTALL.md and GETTING_STARTED.md for the installation and usage, respectively. We used python 3.8, pytorch 1.10, cuda11.3, spconv-cu113 2.3.3. We provide a list of Python packages output from pip freeze here, to help configure the environment.

You can create an experiment folder in any location, and organize it like this:

├── ${PATH_TO_HEDNet_ROOT}/HEDNet/tools/cfgs
├── ${PATH_TO_HEDNet_ROOT}/HEDNet/data
├── xxx.yaml (copy the yaml file here)
├── dist_train.sh (copy the training script from tools/scripts here)
├── dist_test.sh (copy the testing script from tools/scripts here)

Then you can train and test models like this:

# Train with 8 gpus
./dist_train.sh xxx.yaml 8

# Test with 8 gpus
./dist_test.sh xxx.yaml 8 output/ckpt/xxx.pth



  title={{HEDNet}: A Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder Network for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds},
  author={Gang Zhang and Chen Junnan and Guohuan Gao and Jianmin Li and Xiaolin Hu},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

  title={{SAFDNet}: A Simple and Effective Network for Fully Sparse 3D Object Detection},
  author={Gang Zhang and Junnan Chen and Guohuan Gao and Jianmin Li and Si Liu and Xiaolin Hu},


This two works were supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2021ZD0200301) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. U19B2034, 61836014) and THU-Bosch JCML center.