zhangrengang / OGAP

OGAP: Organelle Genome Annotation Pipeline
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

Quick install and start

git config --global http.postBuffer 5242880000
git clone https://github.com/zhangrengang/OGAP

# install
conda env create -f OGAP.yaml
conda activate OGAP
#python setup.py install

# start
cd test
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.gb -mt -o mt_out
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.fa -mt -o mt_out -sp Arabidopsis_thaliana
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-pt.gb -pt -o pt_out
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.gb -mt -pt -o mt_out



Quick Start

mitochondrion genome in genbank format
cd OGAP/test
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.gb -mt -o mt_out

By default, organism name will be extract from the genbank file (ORGANISM) and database will be selected by taxonomy mapping from organism, automatically.

mitochondrion genome in fasta format
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.fa -mt -o mt_out -sp Arabidopsis_thaliana

By default, database will be selected by taxonomy mapping from organism (-sp), automatically.

mitochondrion genome with database specified (-taxon)
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.fa -mt -o mt_out -sp Arabidopsis_thaliana -taxon rosids
multiple database are supported
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.fa -mt -o mt_out -sp Arabidopsis_thaliana -taxon rosids malvids
plastid/chloroplast genome is similar but change to -pt mode
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-pt.gb -pt -o pt_out
annonating mitochondrion naive and chloroplast(cp)-derived genes at the same time
python ../OGAP.py Arabidopsis_thaliana-mt.gb -mt -pt -o mt_out

Pipeline for multiple genomes (an example)

for sp in Arabidopsis_thaliana Vitis_vinifera Oryza_sativa Salix_suchowensis Citrus_sinensis
    python ../OGAP.py genbank/$sp.gb -mt -prefix $sp -outdir re_anno &> $sp.log

python ../lib/Comparative.py summary re_anno/
python ../lib/Comparative.py phylo re_anno/
python ../lib/Comparative.py kaks re_anno/