zhangty019 / Toolpath_Gcode_generation

Simple example which contains the different toolpath generation, and G-code generation for the 5AXISMAKER machine
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Toolpath Generation and CNC Simulation

Simple example which contains the different toolpath generation, and G-code generation for the 5AXISMAKER machine or UR5e robot


Please compile the code with QMake file "TpGene_and_cncSim.pro".

Platform: Windows + Visual Studio 2022 + QT-plugin (tested QT version: 5.12.3 + msvc2017_64)

Install Steps:


Step 0: input layer files (.obj) . Prerequisite: Remesh the surface layer ( python + meshlab 2022.02 )

Step 1: Read Layers . Click button '1. Read Layers'.

Step 2: 3D coordinates modification Input the needed value in the boxs for modification Click button '2.Update Pos and Ort'.

for 'Display'

Step 3: Toolpath Generation

input width and distance in the boxes

Choosing and Clicking button '3. 1 Spiral Tp Generation' or '3. 2 Contour Tp Generation' or '3. 3 Zigzag Tp Generation'

Step 4: CNC Motion Planning


Note: "modelName" can be decided by user, e.g. "Dome".

Notes: This project also support the waypoint generation for the UR robot


Click the '1. Ur5e robot Gcode Generation'

Curved Layer Generation Algorithm

Tianyu Zhang, Guoxin Fang, Yuming Huang, Neelotpal Dutta, Sylvain Lefebvre, Zekai Murat Kilic, and Charlie C.L. Wang, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022), vol.41, no.6, article no.277 (15 pages), December 2022