zhangxyPHD / BubbleRising_MachineLearning

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Machine learning enhanced exploration of bubble dynamics beneath horizontal wall


Multi-task running scripts


basilisk code

  1. bubbleRise.c: main program
    1. run_continure.sh: Resumption of calculations after interruption
    2. run.sh: New calculation, which clears the result file
  2. Post-processing
    1. dumpToVTU.c: Converting snap to a paraview file
    2. run_vtu.sh: Load snap, batch generate vtu files
    3. getResults.c: Based on the snap file, perform restore, then calculate the position, deformation, and velocity of the bubble
    4. run_results.sh: Load snap, extract bubble results
    5. plot_script.gp: Plotting with gnuplot
  3. Header file
    1. adapt_wavelet_limited.h: Used for grid refinement, based on the maximum level of the specified refinement area.
    2. output_boundary.h: Calculate the boundary of the bubble based on the f-field and calculate the top, bottom, left, and right coordinates to compute the Ratio
    3. output_vtu_foreach.h: Converting paraview files
    4. output_mpi.h:Changed the original dump and restore files (conflicting with mpi), which can be run after the modifications, which are as follows, commenting out the last few lines(//s.dirty = true;)

An example

Take Ga40-Bo0.1-Lrise1-Level6 as an example

  1. model: Stores the basilisk source files corresponding to the different parameters.
  2. results: Stores the result files corresponding to the different parameters
  3. results_Picture: Stores the plots corresponding to the different parameters


  • 0_Data_pre: Extract data
  • 1_Normalization: Training set preprocessing
  • 2_Pre_Feature Character values prediction for bubble rise
  • All data are located in folder "a_Ga_Bo_results_level6". All input and output data are summarised in file "a_data_Ga_Bo.csv".