zhaoqy1996 / YARP

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Basic YARP usage

This document provides instructions for running a YARP prediction task.

Follow the steps as listed below to perform YARP on your interested systems.

Set up package/software dependencies for YARP

There are four softwares/packages YARP calls to prepare quantum chemistry tasks.

  1. Openbabel - used to convert xyz files to inchikey & smiles strings.
  2. pyGSM - used to perform growing string calculations.
  3. xTB - semi-empirical quantum chemistry for preoptimizing reaction pathways.
  4. ASE - used to align reactant and product.

All of these packages are stored in the 'yarp/external-software' folder.

Using YARP

We have provided three bash scripts to reproduce the results from the paper "More and Faster: Simultaneously Improving Reaction Coverage and Computational Cost in Automated Reaction Prediction Tasks" in 'working_folder/':

  1. read_output.sh - this script will go through all steps in YARP but will read in the Gaussian output files rather run the quantum chemistry calculations from scratch.
  2. partial_test.sh - this script will directly use the jointly-optimized reactant and product pair *.xyz files and go into the 'pygsm'->'TS opt'->'IRC' workflow.
  3. new_task.sh - this script will begin a new YARP tak. It will first perform elementary reaction enumeration and then perform joint-optimization to generate reactant product pairs. After this the script will perform the 'pygsm'->'TS opt'->'IRC' workflow.

For the purpose of the demo, we only recommend running (i). (ii) and (iii) will run quantum chemistry jobs and expect to be run on a cluster. If experimenting with (ii) and (iii), the scripts require the user to modify the YARP/working_folder/config.txt and YARP/working_folder/analysis_config.txt files with your cluster-specific details (e.g., walltime, number of processors, queue, etc.) and gaussian is expected to be available via a module load call. Advanced users are welcome to experiment with (iii) on their own systems and reach out to the authors for guidance on configuring their run.

Expectations for the Demo run

Contents in paper-example