zhchuu / continual-learning-reproduce

Continual / incremental / lifelong learning methods implemented by PyTorch. Especially the methods based on memory replay.
MIT License
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This codebase has developed into a new project that is well-maintained and includes more SOTA methods. Please refer to PyCIL: A Python Toolbox for Class-Incremental Learning for more information.

Implementation of continual learning methods

This repository implements some continual / incremental / lifelong learning methods by PyTorch.

Especially the methods based on memory replay.


  1. torch 1.7.1
  2. torchvision 0.8.2
  3. tqdm
  4. numpy
  5. scipy


Run experiment

  1. Edit the config.json file for global settings.
  2. Edit the hyperparameters in the corresponding .py file (e.g., models/icarl.py).
  3. Run:
    python main.py

Add datasets

  1. Add corresponding classes to utils/data.py.
  2. Modify the _get_idata function in utils/data_manager.py.




Average accuracies of CIFAR-100 (iCaRL): Increments Paper reported Reproduce
10 classes 64.1 63.10
20 classes 67.2 65.25
50 classes 68.6 67.69






100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Paper reported (BiC) 94.1 92.5 89.6 89.1 85.7 83.2 80.2 77.5 75.0 73.2
Reproduce 94.3 91.6 89.6 87.5 85.6 84.3 82.2 79.4 76.7 74.1



NME results are shown and the reproduced results are not in line with the reported results. Maybe I missed something...

Classifier Steps Reported (%) Reproduced (%)
Cosine (k=1) 50 56.69 55.49
LSC-CE (k=10) 50 59.86 55.69
LSC-NCA (k=10) 50 61.40 56.50
LSC-CE (k=10) 25 ----- 59.16
LSC-NCA (k=10) 25 62.71 59.79
LSC-CE (k=10) 10 ----- 62.59
LSC-NCA (k=10) 10 64.03 62.81
LSC-CE (k=10) 5 ----- 64.16
LSC-NCA (k=10) 5 64.48 64.37

Change log

Some problems

Q: Why can't I reproduce the results of the paper by this repository?

A: The result of the methods may be affected by the incremental order (In my opinion). You can either generate more orders and average their results or increase the number of training iterations (Adjust the hyperparameters).

