zhen8838 / AnimeStylized

This repo will implement a series of anime stylized algorithm. AnimeGAN, White-box Cartoonize.. etc
112 stars 19 forks source link

= Animation Stylization Collection :imagesdir: asset :tip-caption: πŸ’‘ :note-caption: πŸ“ :warning-caption: ⚠️ :caution-caption: πŸ”” :important-caption: ❗ :experimental: :toc:

== Environment


conda create -n torch python=3.8 conda activate torch conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch pip install pytorch-lightning==1.0.2 opencv-python matplotlib joblib scikit-image torchsummary webdataset albumentations more_itertools

== Algorithm

=== https://github.com/TachibanaYoshino/AnimeGANv2[AnimeGAN: A Novel Lightweight GAN for Photo Animation]

[cols="^.^5,<.^50,<.^50"] |===

a| Setup


. [yellow]#If you just want to use it, just skip the following step#

. download dataset from https://github.com/TachibanaYoshino/AnimeGAN/releases/tag/dataset-1[here] and unzip

. download pretrain VGG19 from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j0jDENjdwxCDb36meP6-u5xDBzmKBOjJ/view?usp=sharing[here] and unzip, then put it to models/vgg19.npy




make train CODE=scripts/animegan_pretrain.py CFG=configs/animegan_pretrain.yaml


make train CODE=scripts/animeganv2.py CFG=configs/animeganv2.yaml


make tensorboard LOGDIR=logs/animeganv2/



. you can download my pretrained model from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bu5yIYBPGBlO4yNzUamhWdWs5o5gT1Rx?usp=sharing[here].

. run test command


make infer CODE=scripts/animeganv2.py \ CKPT=logs/animeganv2/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=17.ckpt \ EXTRA=image_path:asset/animegan_test2.jpg # <1>

make infer CODE=scripts/animeganv2.py \ CKPT=logs/animeganv2/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=17.ckpt \ EXTRA=help # <2>

<1> The `EXTRA` paramter can pass `image path` or `image directory path` <2> Read help. .2+| Result a| image::animegan_test2.jpg[animegantest,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%] a| image::animegan_test2_out.jpg[animegantestout,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%] 2+^.^a| image::anime_video.png[animevideo,624,432,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%,link="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gy4y1z7o2"] |=== [NOTE] ==== . If you want to change style, you have run `scripts/animegan_datamean.py` get dataset mean difference, then change `configs/animeganv2.yaml` menu:dataset[data_mean]. ==== === https://github.com/SystemErrorWang/White-box-Cartoonization[Learning to Cartoonize Using White-box Cartoon Representations] [cols="^.^5,<.^50,<.^50"] |=== a| Setup 2+a| . [yellow]#If you just want to use it, **just skip** the following step# . download dataset from https://drive.google.com/file/d/10SGv_kbYhVLIC2hLlz2GBkHGAo0nec-3/view[here] and unzip . download pretrain VGG19 from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j0jDENjdwxCDb36meP6-u5xDBzmKBOjJ/view?usp=sharing[here] and unzip, then put it to `models/vgg19.npy` |Train 2+a| * change **configs/whitebox_pretrain.yaml** menu:dataset[root] to **your path** * change **configs/whitebox.yaml** menu:dataset[root] to **your path** * pre-training generator [source,bash] ---- make train CODE=scripts/whiteboxgan_pretrain.py CFG=configs/whitebox_pretrain.yaml ---- * training generator (use kbd:[Ctrl+c] can stop) [source,bash] ---- make train CODE=scripts/whiteboxgan.py CFG=configs/whitebox.yaml ---- * check progress [source,bash] ---- make tensorboard LOGDIR=logs/whitebox ---- |test 2+a| . you can download my pretrained model from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bu5yIYBPGBlO4yNzUamhWdWs5o5gT1Rx?usp=sharing[here]. you can use choice `whitebox-v2.zip` or `whitebox.zip` . run test command [source,bash] ---- make infer CODE=scripts/whiteboxgan.py \ CKPT=logs/whitebox/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=4.ckpt \ EXTRA=image_path:asset/whitebox_test.jpg # <1> make infer CODE=scripts/whiteboxgan.py \ CKPT=logs/whitebox/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=4.ckpt \ EXTRA=image_path:tests/test.flv,device:cuda,batch_size:4 # <2> # ffmpeg -i xx.mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 xxx.mp4 make infer CODE=scripts/whiteboxgan.py \ CKPT=logs/whitebox/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=4.ckpt \ EXTRA=help # <3> ---- <1> The `EXTRA` paramter can pass `image path` or `image directory path` <2> Using GPU convert video, if GPU ran out of memory, pleas use `cpu` <3> Read help. .2+| Result a| image::whitebox_test.jpg[whiteboxtest,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%] a| image::whitebox_test_out.jpg[whiteboxtestout,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%] 2+^.^a| image::whitebox_video.png[whitebox_video,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%,link="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14V411a73o/"] |=== [NOTE] ==== . The menu:model[superpixel_fn] has a great influence on the style. The `slic,sscolor` refer from offical code. defualt use `sscolor`. . Pytorch version and official version compare results in https://github.com/zhen8838/AnimeStylized/issues/2#issuecomment-726512435[here] ==== === https://github.com/minivision-ai/photo2cartoon[Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation(minivision)] [cols="^.^5,<.^50,<.^50"] |=== a| Setup 2+a| . [yellow]#If you just want to use it, **just skip** the following step# . download dataset from https://drive.google.com/file/d/10SGv_kbYhVLIC2hLlz2GBkHGAo0nec-3/view[here] and unzip . download `model_mobilefacenet.pth` from https://drive.google.com/file/d/10SGv_kbYhVLIC2hLlz2GBkHGAo0nec-3/view[here] and put into `./models` |Train 2+a| * change **configs/uagtit.yaml** menu:dataset[root] to **your path** * training generator (use kbd:[Ctrl+c] can stop) [source,bash] ---- make train CODE=scripts/uagtit.py CFG=configs/uagtit.yaml ---- * check progress [source,bash] ---- make tensorboard LOGDIR=logs/uagtit ---- |test 2+a| . you can download my pretrained model from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bu5yIYBPGBlO4yNzUamhWdWs5o5gT1Rx?usp=sharing[here]. (I have not enough GPU and time, so this model effect not so good) . this model requires an input image that only contains the human head. Since I don’t have time to migrate the previous tools to PyTorch, need to rely on the previous library to process images.(you need clone https://github.com/zhen8838/playground[this repo]) [source,bash] ---- python tools/face_crop_and_mask.py \ --data_path test/model_image \ --save_path test/model_image_faces \ --use_face_crop True \ --use_face_algin False \ --face_crop_ratio 1.3 ---- . run test command [source,bash] ---- make infer CODE=scripts/uagtit.py \ CKPT=logs/uagtit/version_13/checkpoints/epoch=15.ckpt \ EXTRA=image_path:asset/uagtit_test.png ---- .2+| Result a| image::uagtit_test.png[uagtit_test,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%] a| image::uagtit_test_out.png[uagtit_testout,pdfwidth=50%,scaledwidth=50%] |=== [NOTE] ==== . The menu:model[light] control the model version, the light version requires GPU memory > 8G,non-light version requires GPU memory > 22G. . Maybe you need training more epoch to get better results. ==== == Repository structure [%autowidth,cols="<.^,<.^"] |=== | **Path** | **Description** | AnimeStylized | Repository root folder | ├  asset | Folder containing readme image assets | ├  <> a| Folder containing configs defining model/data paramters, training hyperparamters. | ├  <> a| Folder with various dataset objects and transfroms. | ├  losses | Folder containing various loss functions for training, Only very general used loss functions are added here. | ├ <> a| Folder containing all the models and training objects | ├  optimizers | Folder with common used optimizers | ├  <> a| Folder with running scripts for training and inference | ├  utils | Folder with various utility functions |=== [NOTE] ==== [[anchor-configs]]configs:: * Each algorithm has a corresponding config file. * Config file uses the YAML format [[anchor-datamodules]]datamodules:: * The `dataset.py`,`dsfunction.py`,`dstransform.py` contains common data module object's basic component * Basically, each algorithm has a corresponding `xxxds.py` [[anchor-models]]models:: * Basically, each algorithm has a corresponding `xxxnet.py` * Now, only have the gan architecture model, in future maybe add more. [[anchor-scripts]]scripts:: * Each algorithm has a corresponding `xxx.py`, implement the main training step and inference here * Each algorithm must add `run_common(xxxModule, xxxDataModule)` in main function, then you can use general trainer to training or testing ==== == Participation and Contribution . Add custom `LightningDataModule` object as `xxxds.py` in `datamodules` dir. . Add custom `Module` object model architecture as `xxxnet.py` in `networks` dir. . Add custom `LightningDataModule` training script as `xxx.py` in `scripts` dir . Add config file in `configs` dir, the paramters follow your custom `LightningModule` and `LightningDataModule` . trianing your algorithm