zhengqunkoo / hipsleek

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Installation Guide for hip/sleek

Normal Installation

  1. Compile Omega modified as follows:

    cd omega_modified
    make oc

    The omega executable is now in omega_calc/obj/oc. Please move it to some default location, such as /usr/local/bin.

  2. Compile Mona as follows:

    tar -xvf mona-1.4-modif.tar.gz
    cd mona-1.4

    The mona executable is now placed in /usr/local/bin.

  3. Please install latest Ocaml compiler in your directory. Please also install Coq prover.

  4. You are now ready to install hip/sleek, as follows:

    cd ..
    The executables `hip` and `sleek` can now be used (or moved
    to `/usr/local/bin`)
  5. Sleek examples can be found in examples/working/sleek subdirectory. You can test it as follows:

    1. Entailment using default Omega

      ./sleek examples/working/sleek/sleek2.slk
    2. Entailment using Mona

      ./sleek -tp mona examples/working/sleek/sleek2.slk
    3. Verification using default Omega

      ./hip examples/working/hip/ll.ss
    4. Verification using Mona

      ./hip -tp mona examples/working/hip/ll.ss

Installation with hipsleek/dependencies

This process should work on an Ubuntu-like system.

  1. Clone this repository with git clone --recursive https://github.com/hipsleek/dependencies.
  2. Install hipsleek/dependencies.
  3. Install hipsleek/hipsleek.

Omega for MAC:

(by Yahui Song, 25th May 2020, e0210374@u.nus.edu, email me if you have difficulties compiling on mac)

  1. uncompress this omega_modified_for_mac.zip folder and use it to replace your omega_modified folder under sleekex/
  2. run
    cd omega_modified
     make depend
    cd omega_calc/obj
    sudo cp oc /usr/local/bin/
  3. and then you go back and make the sleekex again.