zhenyasav / slider

HTML5 slider component
MIT License
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Mobile-first HTML5 slider component. Demo at http://slider.zhenya.co

Vanilla API


To instantiate a slider, pass a root element and an optional config object to the constructor. If a selector is passed in that matches more than one element, the first element will be used.

var myslider = new Slider("#slider", {
    min: 0,
    max: 1

Meteor API

Use the template helper {{>slider}} to instantiate a slider. The data context of the slider will be assumed to be the options object if and only if there are some keys on that object that are also present on Slider.defaults. In other words, if the data context looks like a slider options object, it will be used.

This makes it easy to pass options to the slider directly from the template:

{{>slider min=0 max=100 step=1 value=foobar}}

Reactive value binding

In the example above, if there is a key on the data context called foobar that returns a numeric value, it will reactively control the value of the slider.

Default options:

Slider.defaults = 
    min: 0  # minimum value
    max: 1  # maximum value
    value: 0    # initial value
    step: 0.1   # minimum step size
    warnings: true  # log warnings to the console
    orientation: 'horizontal'   # can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
    transitionDuration: 350     # animation duration, must be same as in CSS
    poll: false     # automatically refresh all sliders periodically
    formElement: null   # connect slider value to a form element via a selector
        dragEvents: true    # fire drag events
        location: 'knob'    # location of label
        precision: 1    # how many decimal places
        popup: true     # does label pop up when dragged
        format: (v, options) -> Slider._.formatNumber v, decimalPlaces: options.precision
        # how to format the numeric value to a string

Common API

slider.position(position, options)

Call this function with no arguments (or an undefined first argument) to retrieve the current normalized position.

Pass a numeric argument in the range 0..1 to set the slider to a normalized position. Pass a second argument to configure specific behaviour of the call. Default values:

normalized: true    # if the first argument is in the range 0..1 or options.min..options.max
transition: @options.transitionDuration     # pass a falsey value to disable smooth transitions
changeEvent: true   # whether or not to fire the change event
transitionEvent: true   # whether or not to fire the transitioned event after the transition
step: if options?.normalized is false then @options.step else @options.step / (@options.max - @options.min)
# override step size (this is set to false during dragging for example)
updateFormElement: true     # whether or not to update form value after the set 

slider.value(value, options)

Call with no arguments to retrieve the current value in the range options.min..options.max

Pass a value in the range options.min .. options.max to set the slider to a specific value. Options are the same as in position(). Equivalent to slider.position(value, {normalized: false});


Slider throws three kinds of events on the main DOM element slider.element. These are change, drag, and transition. When handling the change event, the current slider value is accessible through the event's value property. If receiving a jQuery wrapped event, event.originalEvent.value.

Custom Components

The slider instantiates child components based on the configuration in Slider.components. The core pieces of slider: the knob, track, and label are also components.

    Slider.components =
        track: -> Track
        knob: -> Knob
        label: -> Label
        fill: (o) -> Fill if o.fill?
        debug: (o) -> Debug if o.debug

Each value in this object is a function that takes an options object and is expected to return a compnent constructor. If one is returned, the component is instantiated and assigned under the same key to the slider instance. For example:

var slider = new Slider('#slider');
slider.track // is the slider's track instance

The signature of a component constructor is (slider, options) where the options is borrowed from the main slider's options object under the key name of the component. This means you can pass options to components by using the same key as in the component definition.

To disable the knob popup for example:

slider = new Slider '#slider',
    min: 0
    max: 1
        popup: false

Adding your own component is easy:

class Widget

    constructor: (@slider, options) ->

Slider.components.widget = (o) -> Widget

myWidgetSlider = new Slider '#slider',
    min: 0
    max: 10
        widgetOption: true

myWidgetSlider.widget # will return the widget component instance

or in JavaScript:

function Widget(slider, options) {
    // construct away   

Slider.components.widget = function(o) { return Widget; };

myWidgetSlider = new Slider(#slider, {
    min: 0,
    max: 1,
    widget: {
        widgetOption: true