zhenyuanlu / awesome-pain-intensity-classification-papers

A comprehensive list of pain intensity classification papers mainly based on deep learning algorithms
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classification deep-learning machine-learning pain pain-classification paper-list

Awesome Pain Intensity Classification Papers


(to be updated)

A comprehensive list of pain intensity classification papers and the dataset used.

Any contribution is welcome!

Latest Review/Survey papers

Year Topic
2023 Review and Analysis of Pain Research Literature through Keyword Co-occurrence Networks
Plos Digital Health
2021 Pain and Stress Detection Using Wearable Sensors and Devices—A Review
2021 Machine Learning in Pain Medicine: An Up-To-Date Systematic Review
Pain and Therapy
2020 Sensor Technologies to Manage the Physiological Traits of Chronic Pain: A Review
2020 Innovations in Electrodermal Activity Data Collection and Signal Processing: A Systematic Review
2019 Automatic Recognition Methods Supporting Pain Assessment: A Survey
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
2018 A Review of Automated Pain Assessment in Infants: Features, Classification Tasks, and Databases
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering

Pain Classification Papers

Year Topic Model Signal Dataset
2023 Objective Measurement of Subjective Pain Perception with Autonomic Body Reactions in Healthy Subjects and Chronic Back Pain Patients: An Experimental Heat Pain Study
RF BCP, ECG, EDA, EMG, Resp ChronPain, PainMonit
2023 Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Pain Research: Understanding the Role of Electrodermal Activity for Automated Pain Recognition
RF, MLP, CNN, CAE, CL, Transformer EDA BioVid, PainMonit
2023 Transformer Encoder with Multiscale Deep Learning for Pain Classification Using Physiological Signals
Transformer Encoder+Temporal Conv+SEResNet;
Code: github
EDA BioVid
2022 Personalized Deep Bi-LSTM RNN Based Model for Pain Intensity Classification Using EDA Signal
BiLSTM + XGBoost EDA Proprietary Dataset: Cold Pain Data
2022 Tree-Based Models for Pain Detection from Biomedical Signals
ICOST 2022
AdaBoost, XGBoost, TabNet, Random Forest (RF) EDA,ECG BioVid
2021 Classification of Heat-Induced Pain Using Physiological Signals
ITIB 2021
RF, MLP, CNN BVP, ECG, EDA, EMG, Resp Heat-pain data
2021 Multi-Modal Pain Intensity Assessment Based on Physiological Signals: A Deep Learning Perspective
Frontiers in Physiology
Self-supervised Learning, Auto-Encoder EMG + ECG + EDA BioVid; SenseEmotion
2021 Automated Nociceptive Pain Assessment Using Physiological Signals and a Hybrid Deep Learning Network
IEEE Sensors Journal
CNN + LSTM EDA, ECG BioVid; Proprietary Dataset: Real-time Data
2021 Comparison of Feature Extraction Methods for Physiological Signals for Heat-Based Pain Recognition
RF, MLP, CNN, LSTM, CAE EDA BioVid, PainMonit
2021 Pain Recognition With Electrocardiographic Features in Postoperative Patients: Method Validation Study
ADABoost, XGBoost, random forest, SVM, KNN ECG BioVid as baseline; UCI_iHurtDB
2021 Exploration of physiological sensors, features, and machine learning models for pain intensity estimation
2021 Objective Pain Assessment Using Wrist-based PPG Signals: A Respiratory Rate Based Method
ADABoost, XGBoost, random forest, SVM, KNN PPG UCI_iHurtDB
2021 Machine learning suggests sleep as a core factor in chronic pain
CART, PART, RF Mul-Sources Parametes Proprietary Dataset: chronic pain, Finland
2021 Assessment of thoracic pain using machine learning: a case study from Baja California, Mexico
Environmental Research and Public Health
Tree classification, RF, SVM, Logistic regression, kNN AMI and FRCV Six Factors Proprietary Dataset: Thoracic Pain
2021 Prediction of breakthrough pain during labour neuraxial analgesia: comparison of machine learning and multivariable regression approaches
Obstetric Anesthesia
RF, XGBoost, Logistic Regression Medical Record Proprietary Dataset: breakthrough pain during labour, Singapore
2020 Hybrid RNN-ANN Based Deep Physiological Network for Pain Recognition
EMBC 2020
2020 Pain phenotypes classified by machine learning using electroencephalography features
SVM EEG, VAS Proprietary Dataset: Chronic lumbar pain
2020 Machine-learning-based knowledge discovery in rheumatoid arthritis-related registry data to identify predictors of persistent pain
CART, kNN, MLP, SVM, Naive Bayes Multi-sources Parameters Proprietary Dataset: Rheumatoid arthritis
2020 Diverse frequency band-based convolutional neural networks for tonic cold pain assessment using EEG
CNN EEG Proprietary Dataset: Cold Pain Data
2020 Using a motion sensor to categorize nonspecific low back pain patients: a machine learning approach
SVM, MLP Trunk kinematic data Propritary Dataset: Nonspecific low back pain
2020 Identifying predictive factors for neuropathic pain after breast cancer surgery using machine learning
International Journal of Medical Informatics
RF, Linear Regression, Elastic Net, Ridge Regression, Gradient Boosting, Neural Net Questionnaires before and after surgery Prospective Cohort Study, Neuropathic pain
2020 Interpretable machine learning models for classifying low back pain status using functional physiological variables
European Spine Journal
Functional Data Boosting (FDboost) EMG Proprietary Dataset: Low Back Pain
2020 Diverse frequency band-based convolutional neural networks for tonic cold pain assessment using EEG
CNN EEG Proprietary Dataset: Cold Pain Data
2020 Medical expert system for low back pain management: design issues and conflict resolution with Bayesian network
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Bayes Clinical Records Proprietary Dataset: Low back pain
2019 Feature extraction and selection for pain recognition using peripheral physiological signals
Frontiers in Neuroscience
2019 Predicting inadequate postoperative pain management in depressed patients: a machine learning approach
Plos ONE
Elastic Net, NLP (NegEx) 65 predictive features from EHR Proprietary Dataset: EHR
2019 Exploring Deep Physiological Models for Nociceptive Pain Recognition
2019 A Deep Neural Network-Based Pain Classifier Using a Photoplethysmography Signal
Deep Belief Network, MLP, SVM PPG Proprietary Dataset: Pre-/Post-operation of Surgery
2019 Acute pain intensity monitoring with the classification of multiple physiological parameters
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
MLP HR, BR, GSR, EMG Proprietary Dataset: Heat and Electrical Stimuli
2019 Machine learning-based prediction of clinical pain using multimodal neuroimaging and autonomic metrics
SVM Neuroimages Proprietary Dataset: Chronic Low Back Pain
2019 Exploring Deep Physiological Models for Nociceptive Pain Recognition
2019 Acute pain intensity monitoring with the classification of multiple physiological parameters
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
MLP HR, Breath Rate, GSR, EMG Proprietary Dataset, HR, BR, GSR, Facial
2019 A joint deep neural network model for pain recognition from face
ICCCS 2019
RNN+VGGFace CNN Facial Images UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain
2018 Deep Multimodal Pain Recognition: A Database and Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Visual Modalities
FG 2018
CNN+LSTM RGBDT (RGB, Depth, Thermal) Multimodal Intensity Pain (MIntPAIN)
2018 Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation from Autonomic Signals with Recurrent Neural Networks
EMBCC 2018
2018 Deep learning model for detection of pain intensity from facial expression
ICOST 2018
BiLSTM-CNN-VSL-CRF Facial Expressions -
2018 Improving pain management in patients with sickle cell disease from physiological measures using machine learning techniques
Smart Health
RF, kNN, SVM, Multinomial logistic regression Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature Proprietary Dataset: SCD patients, Duke Hospital
2017 Prediction effects of personal, psychosocial, and occupational risk factors on low back pain severity using artificial neural networks approach in industrial workers
Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
MLP, kNN, Logistic Regression BVP, ECG, SCL Proprietary Dataset: Low back pain
2017 Multi-task neural networks for personalized pain recognition from physiological signals
ACIIW 2017
2017 Physiological Signal-Based Method for Measurement of Pain Intensity
Front Neurosci.
KNN, SVM, LDA BVP, ECG, SCL Proprietary Dataset: Electrical stimulation
2017 Multi-task neural networks for personalized pain recognition from physiological signals
ACIIW 2017
2015 Multimodal Data Fusion for Person-Independent, Continuous Estimation of Pain Intensity
EANN 2015
Random Forest EDA, ECG, EMG, Videos BioVid
2014 Automatic Pain Recognition from Video and Biomedical Signals
International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Random Forest EDA, ECG, EMG, Videos BioVid

Datasets Mentioned Above

Year Name Dataset
2005 Infant database: COPE/iCOPE http://www.brahnam.info/papers/EN2031.pdf
2011 UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain http://www.jeffcohn.net/Resources/
2013 BioVid Heat Pain Database https://www.nit.ovgu.de/BioVid.html
2016 PPG Signals http://cris.nih.go.kr Registration Number: KCT0002080 https://cris.nih.go.kr/cris/search/detailSearch.do/6638
2017 SenseEmotion -
2018 Multimodal Intensity Pain (MIntPAIN) https://vap.aau.dk/mintpain-database/

Other Public Pain Databases Collection

List of Publicly Available Pain Recognition Databases Collected by Philipp Werner.


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