zhiftyDK / voiceassistant

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Eva Assistant

Who is Eva Eva is a semi ai robot, capable of telling you about anything and playing music. In this readme you can learn about how its made and what commands is used. Open Eva Assistant

Table of content

Creation of Eva

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Creation of Eva

I first learned about functions like speechsynthesis() and speechrecognition(), and with that a made a bad prototype that really didnt reach my expectations. Old Voiceassistant
But now i finally had courage enough to start on another project, which was Eva the assistant.
The main functionallity of Eva is all wrote in javascript, and runs in most native browsers.

The character is made in a little abnormal way, its made with a software by FaceRig called Animaze, and edited to my desire in Wondershare Filmora. I started by recording a 10 second video of the idle animation, and then 10 seconds where the mouth was moving, then i just use css display styling to hide and show the 2 different videos when needed.

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