A Python Wrapper for the standard BLEU evaluation for Natural Language Generation (NLG).
pip install
Requirement: Python 3
Option 1: Install pip package
pip install --upgrade bleu
Option 2: Build from source
pip install --upgrade git+git://github.com/zhijing-jin/bleu.git
The most standard way to calculate BLEU is by Moses' script for detokenized BLEU. This package provides easy calls to it.
If you want to check only one hypothesis (a list of sentences):
>>> from bleu import list_bleu
>>> ref = ['it is a white cat .',
'wow , this dog is huge .']
>>> ref1 = ['This cat is white .',
'wow , this is a huge dog .']
>>> hyp = ['it is a white kitten .',
'wowww , the dog is huge !']
>>> hyp1 = ["it 's a white kitten .",
'wow , this dog is huge !']
>>> list_bleu([ref], hyp)
>>> list_bleu([ref, ref1], hyp1)
If you want to check multiple hypothesis (several lists of sentences):
>>> from bleu import multi_list_bleu
>>> multi_list_bleu([ref, ref1], [hyp, hyp1])
[34.99, 57.91]
: It is not advisable to use tokenized bleu (by multi-bleu.perl), but if you want to call it, just use detok=False
>>> list_bleu([ref], hyp, detok=False)
# or if you want to test multiple hypotheses
>>> multi_list_bleu([ref, ref1], [hyp, hyp1], detok=False)
[39.76, 47.47]
: If there are unexpected errors, you might want to check the intermediate steps by verbose=True
If you want to check only one hypothesis file:
# if you already have the following files
>>> from bleu import file_bleu
>>> hyp_file = 'data/hyp0.txt'
>>> ref_files = ['data/ref0.txt', 'data/ref1.txt']
>>> file_bleu(ref_files, hyp_file)
If you want to check multiple hypothesis files:
>>> from bleu import multi_file_bleu
>>> hyp_file1 = 'data/hyp1.txt'
>>> bleus = multi_file_bleu(ref_files, [hyp_file, hyp_file1])
[34.99, 57.91]
: Set it if you want to calculate the (not recommended) tokenized bleu.
: Set it if you want to inspect how the bleu calculations are made:
>>> bleu = file_bleu(ref_files, hyp_file, verbose=True)
[Info] Valid Reference Files: ['data/ref0.txt', 'data/ref1.txt']
[Info] Valid Hypothesis Files: ['data/hyp0.txt']
[Info] #lines in each file: 2
[cmd] perl detokenizer.perl -l en < data/ref0.txt > data/ref0.detok.txt 2>/dev/null
[cmd] perl detokenizer.perl -l en < data/ref1.txt > data/ref1.detok.txt 2>/dev/null
[cmd] perl detokenizer.perl -l en < data/hyp0.txt > data/hyp0.detok.txt 2>/dev/null
[cmd] perl multi-bleu-detok.perl data/ref0.detok.txt data/ref1.detok.txt < data/hyp0.detok.txt
2-ref bleu for data/hyp0.detok.txt: 34.99
>>> bleu
>>> from bleu import detok_files
>>> detok_ref_files = detok_files(ref_files, tmp_dir='./data', file_prefix='ref_dtk', verbose=True)
[cmd] perl ./TMP_DIR/detokenizer.perl -l en < data/ref0.txt > data/ref_dtk0.txt 2>/dev/null
[cmd] perl ./TMP_DIR/detokenizer.perl -l en < data/ref1.txt > data/ref_dtk1.txt 2>/dev/null
>>> detok_ref_files
['data/ref_dtk0.txt', 'data/ref_dtk1.txt']
Check the python file bleu.py and adapt it.
If you have more questions, feel free to check out the common Q&A, or raise a new GitHub issue.
In case of really urgent needs, contact the author Zhijing Jin (Miss).