zhonger / nav

A personal navigation static website.
MIT License
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navigation personal-website search


English Version / 中文简体


Nav is an open source static navigatioin software, which is inspired by eallion/favorite. It aims to make and host a personal navigation website by yourself. Because of some limitation when using the navigation provided by someone or some websites, it's very boring and limited for me. I need a more simple and beautiful navigation website. So Nav came.


Easy to use and mange

There is no need for any databases or runtime environment. You can deploy it to any free static hosting platforms, such as Github Pages, Netlify, Vercel, Cloudflare Pages and so on.

Nav is just mainly based on several static files -- index.html, nav.css, sites.json and others. If you want to change the content to yours, it's very easy only by changing the sites.json.

Nav provides not only favorite links but also search engines for you. So you can just input something and select the search engines you want, and then get your needed results. In order to use the search engine easily, Enter key is also supported. Once you have typed your words or sentence successfully, you can search it by click the search button in the right or click the Enter key in the keyboard. It also works in mobile phones or tablet pad.

Simple and beautiful

Nav doesn't use any Web UI framework, and only uses VueJS@3 to control and generate the navigation content automatically from sites.json.

On the one hand, the simple css file has been used in order to keep all things simple and beautiful.

On the other hand, a media query method has been defined in the css file to make the similar performance for mobile phone or tablet pad.

It's worthy to be noticed that the idea of one poem with special chinese font proposed by eallion/favorite is very good and beautiful. So it has been kept.


Because it's based on static files, someone maybe think that it's a little difficult to manage the links or search engines.

However, thanks to VueJS we can mange the links or search engines very easily by chaning the content in sites.json. It means that you can set any search engines you know.

Except this, Nav followed the website icon method in eallion/favorite, which works with the help of Google. It supports any public websites which can be accessed by Google.


It supports two languages, Chinese and English. The default language is Chinese.

If a setting of the language is set in the sites.json file, it will change the lanuage of weather area and copyright.


A plugin provided by Qweather but reconstructed the code to support all cities in China and most cities in the world.

In order to make the page normally before all contents complied, a lazy-loading has been used.

If the city has not been set or successfully, a message will instead the weather area.


Change the owner and basis settings

Here is a sample for the owner and basis settings.

In this sample, author means your name or nickname, which will appear in the copyright of the page.

homepage means the url of your site. For example, if you uses Github Pages to deploy it, your default url will be https://yourname.github.io/nav.

Although Nav provides one chinese poem, it may be not so good for anyone. So if your want to disable this feature, you can just set header_auto into false. Then the header setting will be used. You can use any sentences or words you like to replace it.

Now the page title can also be customized by changing the content of title in the basis settings.

    "author": "zhonger",
    "title": "Novel navigation site",
    "homepage": "https://lisz.me",
    "header": "明月几时有,把酒问青天。",
    "header_auto": true,

Change the links

Here is a sample for links.

First of all, you have to include it in one type for each favorite link. Here you can define anything as the name of type, even just a emoji or otherthing you like. (It's noticed that emoji may be different in various platforms.) But maybe it will be some strange, because one default icon in the front of each type has been defined fixedly. An improvement about this may will appear in the next version.

It's very easy to add or change a link. What you need is just to prepare a name and url with one defined type. Then Google will help to find the icon for the link you set.

Now you can customize icons for each links type very easily. You have to set link_ico to true firstly. And then add ico in the each type. Here we suggest to use svg icon because it's more scaleable and clear. If you don't know how to find appropriate svg icons, you may find what you want for free in icon-icons.com or ICONPACKS.

  "link_ico": true,
  "links": [
            "type": "Usually",
            "ico": "images/airport-location.png",
            "sites": [
                    "name": "Blog",
                    "url": "https://lisz.me"
                    "name": "Google Scholar",
                    "url": "https://scholar.google.co.jp"
            "type": "Common",
            "ico": "images/chronometer.svg",
            "sites": [
                    "name": "University of Tsukuba",
                    "url": "https://www.tsukuba.ac.jp"
                    "name": "NIMS",
                    "url": "https://www.nims.go.jp"

Change the search engines

Here is a sample for search engines.

Actually for different search engines, the query url may be not similar. And for someone, there exist some search engines which can be only accessed by some verified people, such as the library search engine for the students and teachers in the University.

Here the search engine settings just provide a way to define any search engines you know. You have to verify your privilege by yourself. It should be not a technical problem for Nav.

For each search engine, there are three important keys -- name, class and url. The name appears only when you click the search engine icon and get the list of all search engines. The class actually is the icon of the search engine. Icofont and Font-Awesome have beend used here. Your can find which icon you want to use by visiting Icofont and Font Awesome. Maybe it's still limited. An improvement about this may will appear in the next version. Finally, the url is the most important thing. If the url is not so right, you will cannot access or find your results you want.

Now nav has supported customized search engine icons (not only font icon). If you would like to use customized seach engine icons, you have to set search_ico to true firstly (default is false). And then add ico in the search_engines. Here we suggest to use svg icon because it's more scaleable and clear. If you don't know how to find appropriate svg icons, you may find what you want for free in icon-icons.com or ICONPACKS.

  "search_ico": true,
  "search_engines": [
            "name": "Google",
            "class": "fa fa-google",
            "ico": "images/google.svg",
            "url": "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q="
            "name": "Bing",
            "class": "icofont icofont-brand-bing",
            "ico": "images/bing.svg",
            "url": "https://bing.com/search?q="

Change the language

Here is a sample for the language.

Because the setting of the lanuage will work for not only the main content but also the weather area, we need to use zh or en. By the way, any other language settings will be regarded as en.

  "lang": "zh"

Change the city of weather

Here is a sample for the weather.

As the following settings show, we have to apply two API keys from Qweather when we deploy the navigation site for ourselves. The first key qweather_key is the web plugin API key (s6 version, which will be not supported after Dec. 2022). Another key qweather_key2 is the web application API key (v7 version, which is the last version of Qweather API, but limited for getting the air quality until now).

  "qweather_key": "xxxxxxxxxx",
  "qweather_key2": "sxwewewewew",
  "city_name": "Shanghai"