zhouhang95 / neox_tools

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Neox Model Converter & EXPK/NXPK Extractor


python version is 3!

Step 0

pip install numpy transformations pymeshio tqdm pyqt5 moderngl pyrr

If you are in China, please use ...

pip install numpy transformations pymeshio tqdm pyqt5 moderngl pyrr -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

Step 1

python extractor.py expk_file_path


python extractor.py hero1.npk

if you'll unpack Onmyoji game. you should use onmyoji_extractor.py rather than extractor.py

python onmyoji_extractor.py res.npk

Step 2

python converter.py mesh_file_path


python converter.py hero1/00390823.mesh

if you want obj format:

python converter.py mesh_file_path --mode obj

if you want iqe format:

python converter.py mesh_file_path --mode iqe

You can check this page for update: https://github.com/zhouhang95/neox_tools

Step 3

python main.py

File -> Load Unpack Folder

then select the generated folder after unpacking

if you search more neox game unpack, may be this work: https://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b4721dbb0102yqoj.html