zhouzhouyang520 / IAMM

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Code and data for ACL 2024: An Iterative Associative Memory Model for Empathetic Response Generation.


CUDA Version==11.7

Environment Installation

To run this code, you should:

  1. Clone the project from github.

    git clone https://github.com/zhouzhouyang520/IAMM.git
  2. Enter the project root directory

    cd IAMM/
  3. Download the data, and put it into the project root directory. Baidu cloud link with Code: 8suu or Google cloud link

    unzip ED.zip
    mkdir data
    mv ED data
    mkdir vectors
    mv glove.6B.300d.txt vectors
  4. Install required packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt


    conda env create -f environment.yml

    The project mainly referenced the code from CEM and ESCM. If there are issues during installation, you can try using the environments from these two projects.

Model Training

nohup python main.py --model iamm --cuda --device_id 7 --pointer_gen --word_topk 5 --ctx_topk 15 --cs_topk 5 > $out_file 2>&1 &

Model Test

nohup python main.py --model iamm --test --test_model_name IAMM_19_9496.3010_0.0268 --cuda --device_id 7 --pointer_gen --batch_size 48 --word_topk 5 --ctx_topk 15 --cs_topk 5 --hgnn_hidden 300 --hgnn_out 50 > $out_file 2>&1 &

If this work is helpful, please kindly cite as:

title={An Iterative Associative Memory Model for Empathetic Response Generation},
author={Zhou Yang and Zhaochun Ren and Yufeng Wang and Haizhou Sun and Chao Chen and Xiaofei Zhu and Xiangwen Liao},
booktitle={The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},