zhouzhuojie / knockout-client

Knockout Client for Meteor
MIT License
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Knockout is a JavaScript MVVM (a modern variant of MVC) library that makes it easier to create rich, desktop-like user interfaces with JavaScript and HTML. It uses observers to make your UI automatically stay in sync with an underlying data model, along with a powerful and extensible set of declarative bindings to enable productive development.

Meteor makes it an order of magnitude simpler and a lot more fun to build webapps. However, we still want to have a MV* frontend framework in Meteor. Handlebar uses '{{}}', which is conflict with frameworks like AngularJs and EmberJs. So 'data-bind' like frameworks (e.g. Knockout) play nicely with Meteor.

knockout-client is fully compatible and ready to use. Please note, this version is hosted on atmosphere as knockout-client simply because the orignal meteor-knockout has not been update for some time.


meteor add mrt:knockout-client

Package Description

This package exposes ko to the global namespace. Compatible with Meteor and 0.6.5.

knockout-client includes some useful plugins:

If you are looking for a knockout based routing framework, please consider package knockout-client-pager. see [zhouzhuojie/knockout-client-pager]()

A guide to integrating knockout-client


In client side:

    // Here's my data model
    var ViewModel = function(first, last) {
        this.firstName = ko.observable(first);
        this.lastName = ko.observable(last);

        this.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
            // Knockout tracks dependencies automatically. It knows that fullName depends on firstName and lastName, because these get called when evaluating fullName.
            return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();
        }, this);

    ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel("Planet", "Earth")); // This makes Knockout get to work

In html template:

<template name="foo">
    <p>First name: <input data-bind="value: firstName" /></p>
    <p>Last name: <input data-bind="value: lastName" /></p>
    <h2>Hello, <span data-bind="text: fullName"> </span>!</h2>

Other data-bind attributes please refer to the great document of Knockout.

Deal with reactive template refreshing

Sometimes you may want to prevent it from reactive template refreshing, because reactive refresh will leave the data-bind unattached.

so you can either

<template name="foo">
    <p>First name: <input data-bind="value: firstName" /></p>
    <p>Last name: <input data-bind="value: lastName" /></p>
    <h2>Hello, <span data-bind="text: fullName"> </span>!</h2>


Template.foo.rendered = function(){
    // Here's my data model
    var ViewModel = function(first, last) {
        this.firstName = ko.observable(first);
        this.lastName = ko.observable(last);

        this.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
            // Knockout tracks dependencies automatically. It knows that fullName depends on firstName and lastName, because these get called when evaluating fullName.
            return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();
        }, this);

    ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel("Planet", "Earth")); // This makes Knockout get to work


In the view model:

Use ko.meteor.find() and ko.meteor.findOne() like you would normally use ko.observableArray() and ko.observable():

var viewModel = {
  unfinishedTodos: ko.meteor.find(Todos, {done: false}),
  finishedTodos: ko.meteor.find(Todos, {done: true}),
  oldestUnfinishedTodo: ko.meteor.findOne(Todos, {done: true}, {sort: {created_at:1}})
Meteor.startup( function() { ko.applyBindings(viewModel); } );
In the html template

For multiple cursor like ko.meteor.find(), use data-bind="foreach: foobar".

<ul data-bind="foreach: unfinishedTodos">
  <li data-bind="text: title"></li>

For single cursor like ko.meteor.findOne(), you can still use data-bind="foreach: foobar"

<ul data-bind="foreach: oldestUnfinishedTodo">
  <li data-bind="text: title"></li>

or data-bind="with: foobar"

<ul data-bind="with: oldestUnfinishedTodo">
  <li data-bind="text: title"></li>

or knockout's context definition <!-- ko with: foobar --> ... <!-- /ko -->

<!-- ko with:  oldestUnfinishedTodo -->
  <p data-bind="text: title"></p>
<!-- /ko -->

For more information, see steveluscher/knockout.meteor.


Before you get started with ko.validation, you need to configure it.

        registerExtenders: true,
        messgaesOnModified: true

and then define your rules into ko observables with .extend(...).

var ViewModel = function(first, last) {
    this.firstName = ko.observable(first).extend({ minLength: 3 });
    this.lastName = ko.observable(last).extend({ required: true });

For more information, see ericmbarnard/Knockout-Validation.