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GIREMI is a method that can identify RNA editing sites using one RNA-seq data set without requiring genome sequence data.
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GIREMI is a method that can identify RNA editing sites using one RNA-seq data set without requiring genome sequence data.

How GIREMI works?

GIREMI calculates the mutual information (MI) of the mismatch pairs identified in the RNA-seq reads to distinguish RNA editing sites and SNPs. It also trains a generalized linear model (GLM) to achieve enhanced predictive power, which makes use of sequence bias information and the difference between the mismatch ratio of the unknown single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and the estimated allelic ratio of the gene.

Detailed information on GIREMI and citation

A paper describing GIREMI is published at Nature Methods (http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v12/n4/full/nmeth.3314.html).

System requirement

Dependent libraries or software


GIREMI was implemented using a combination of R, Perl and C codes.


Usage: giremi [options] in1.bam [in2.bam [...]]

Required format of the file containing the list of SNVs (-l option):
Format of the output file:
NOTE: This output file includes a rich list of information about the SNVs. Not all sites in this file are predicted as RNA editing sites, see the ifRNAE field.