zhrandell / Seattle_Aquarium_CCR_analytical_resources

This is a public repository to organize information pertaining to the cleaning, analysis, and visualization of ROV telemetry and spatial data, as well as preliminary information related to the % cover analyses (via CoralNet) of image stills derived from ROV video.
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This is a public repository to organize information pertaining to the analysis and visualization of ROV telemetry, spatial data, and preliminary AI analyses of species, taxa, and substrate type via CoralNet and VIAME. Our overarching objective here is to provide an open-source location in which we store code and resources necessary for other entities or individuals to reproduce our ROV telemetry and sensor file management and AI image analyses. Furthermore, this repository will provide a central location to hash out problems and discuss results, as exhibited in the Issues tab above to the top left.

For more general information about this ROV project including summary documentation, ROV videos, and photos from its deployment, see our main GitHub repo Seattle_Aquarium_CCR_Coastal_Climate_Resilience

To see active areas of develop where we are seeking assistance with software and analytical development, see the 1-page projects descriptions found at Seattle_Aquarium_CCR_development

GitHub resources

We are fortunate to be working with Clyde McQueen, who’s assisting with a variety of software aspects of our project, including the development of custom software to enable “terrain following” (dubbed surftrak), where the ROV auto-adjusts its altitude over varying seafloor based upon readings from the Ping Sonar Altimeter. The following table lists out multiple open-sources resources Clyde has developed.

ardusub_surftrak A range hold flight mode enabling the ROV to autonomously maintain a set altitude above the seafloor
surftrak_fixit A BlueOS extension that can diagnose and fix common surftrak problems
wl_ugps_external_extension A blueOS extension that listens for NMEA messages from our GNSS Satelitte Compass and feeds those data to our USBL system
ardusub_log_tools A collection of log analysis tools for working with ArduSub vehicles
wl_ugps_acoustic_analysis Test results from capturing and processing acoustic data from WaterLink's USBL system

Analytical resources