zhuj / mentha-xsd-graphml

XSD to GraphML Converter for yEd
MIT License
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XSD to GraphML Converter for yEd

It converts an xsd document into a yEd-compatible GraphML representation.

From this into into this: this

ps. Node layout is still made be yEd


  1. Use JDK either version 8 or 11 (I checked with OracleJDK8 and OpenJDK11)

  2. Download the latest build this,

  3. Or build it by yourself (use java 8/11 and gradle 5.0 or newer):

    ./gradlew assemble 

    file will be available in build/distributions

  4. Extract zip archive (do not forget make bin/mentha-xsd-to-graphml executable)

  5. Run the tool with specified xsd file:

    ./mentha-xsd-to-graphml-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/mentha-xsd-to-graphml docs/sample.xsd
  6. Download yEd and open generated .graphml file (should be placed next to the original xsd)

  7. Navigate to menu Layout / Hierarchical, select Orientation to "Top to Bottom" and press "Ok" (you will see the magic of yFiles)

  8. You can modify and/or export your schema as png/jpg/svg file to make your customer believe that things you are working on are too complicated