zideliu / StyleDrop-PyTorch

Unoffical implement for [StyleDrop](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00983)
MIT License
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The code of StyleDrop-PyTorch has been moved to aim-uofa/StyleDrop-PyTorch. Please try it and have fun!

This is an unofficial PyTorch implementation of StyleDrop: Text-to-Image Generation in Any Style.

Unlike the parameters in the paper in (Round 1), we set $\lambda_A=2.0$, $\lambda_B=5.0$ and d_prj=32, is_shared=False, which we found work better, these hyperparameters can be seen in configs/custom.py.

we release them to facilitate community research.







Todo List

Data & Weights Preparation

First, download VQGAN from this link (from MAGE, thanks!), and put the downloaded VQGAN in assets/vqgan_jax_strongaug.ckpt.

Then, download the pre-trained checkpoints from this link to assets/ckpts for evaluation or to continue training for more iterations.

finally, prepare empty_feature by runnig command python extract_empty_feature.py

And the final directory structure is as follows:

├── assets
│   ├── ckpts
│   │   ├── cc3m-285000.ckpt
│   │   │   ├── lr_scheduler.pth
│   │   │   ├── nnet_ema.pth
│   │   │   ├── nnet.pth
│   │   │   ├── optimizer.pth
│   │   │   └── step.pth
│   │   └── imagenet256-450000.ckpt
│   │       ├── lr_scheduler.pth
│   │       ├── nnet_ema.pth
│   │       ├── nnet.pth
│   │       ├── optimizer.pth
│   │       └── step.pth
│   ├── fid_stats
│   │   ├── fid_stats_cc3m_val.npz
│   │   └── fid_stats_imagenet256_guided_diffusion.npz
│   ├── pipeline.png
|   ├── contexts
│   │   └── empty_context.npy
└── └── vqgan_jax_strongaug.ckpt


Same as MUSE-PyTorch.

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3
pip install accelerate==0.12.0 absl-py ml_collections einops wandb ftfy==6.1.1 transformers==4.23.1 loguru webdataset==0.2.5 gradio


All style data in the paper are placed in the data directory

  1. Modify data/one_style.json (It should be noted that one_style.json and style data must be in the same directory), The format is file_name:[object,style]
{"image_03_05.jpg":["A bear","in kid crayon drawing style"]}
  1. Training script as follows.
    unset EVAL_CKPT
    unset ADAPTER
    export OUTPUT_DIR="output_dir/for/this/experiment"
    accelerate launch --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train_t2i_custom_v2.py --config=configs/custom.py


The pretrained style_adapter weights can be downloaded from 🤗 Hugging Face.

export EVAL_CKPT="assets/ckpts/cc3m-285000.ckpt" 
export ADAPTER="path/to/your/style_adapter"

export OUTPUT_DIR="output/for/this/experiment"

accelerate launch --num_processes 8 --mixed_precision fp16 train_t2i_custom_v2.py --config=configs/custom.py

Gradio Demo

Put the style_adapter weights in ./style_adapter folder and run the following command will launch the demo:

python gradio_demo.py

The demo is also hosted on HuggingFace.


  title={StyleDrop: Text-to-Image Generation in Any Style},
  author={Sohn, Kihyuk and Ruiz, Nataniel and Lee, Kimin and Chin, Daniel Castro and Blok, Irina and Chang, Huiwen and Barber, Jarred and Jiang, Lu and Entis, Glenn and Li, Yuanzhen and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.00983},


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