zigpy / open-coordinator-backup

Open Zigbee coordinator backup format
MIT License
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Open ZigBee Coordinator Backup Format

An ongoing specification for a JSON Zigee coordinator backup format as a hardware-independent non-proprietary open standard.


The primary use case for this specification is to provide a simple standard for exporting ZigBee network information to disk. Standardizing this format will allowing users to backup, restore, and migrate their networks between coordinator hardware and network management software without having to needlessly rejoin all of their devices to a new network.

Implementation adoption

This Open ZigBee Coordinator Backup Format has so far been adopted by several popular open source home automation projects, including zigpy (Zigbee library used by Home Assistant and Jeedom) and zigbee-herdsman (Zigbee library used by Zigbee2MQTT and IoBroker).

Provisional Specification

JSON is both human-readable supported well by common programming languages, making it a good fit for files that will be interpreted by both.

Encoding Sequences of Bytes

JSON does not natively support sequences of bytes (char[], Buffer, bytestrings, etc.), therefore an intermediate representation is necessary.

Sequences of bytes will be encoded as a case-insensitive string of each byte's hex representation, with leading zeroes, concatenated together. For example, \x0A\xBB\xC0 will be represented as "0abbc0".

Different platforms may internally use different byte ordering (big endian, little endian). All binary sequences in this format need to be stored MSB-LSB (big endian). For example, IEEE addresses are represented within Z-Stack LSB-MSB (little endian), therefore address 00:12:4b:00:06:10:4e:22 would be internally stored as 22:4e:10:06:00:4b:12:00. For purposes of this specification the address needs to be reversed and converted to specified byte array representation form - 00124b0006104e22.

Backup Structure

The generated backup is a JSON document with the following top-level keys:


The top-level metadata object contains basic information about the backup itself:


The top-level stack_specific object contains information that is necessary to restore a backup but using information that is specific to the stack the backup was created from.

Currently the only sub-object is zstack with a key containing the Z-Stack Trust Center Link Key seed. Z-Stack uses Trust Center Link Key Seed to generate unique link keys for APS encryption. Only seed shift is stored and actual keys are derived from this seed.

Therefore the structure currently supports the following keys:

Other stack-specific fields may be added as they are used.


Unique 64-bit coordinator adapter IEEE address represented as described in Encoding Sequences of Bytes. Example value: 00124b0009d69f77.


The network's 16-bit Personal Area Network Identifier (PAN ID) will be stored big-endian and encoded as hex, with leading zeroes as per Encoding Sequences of Bytes. Example value: d4a1.


The 64-bit Extended Personal Area Network Identifier (EPID) stored as described in Encoding Sequences of Bytes. Example value: 00124b0009418a6b.


The current logical channel of the network will be stored as an integer between 11 and 26.


The logical channels on which the network can be formed will be stored as an array of numbers, each between 11 and 26. If the network can only be formed on a single channel, the array will contain a single integer.


The network security level will be stored as an integer between 0 and 7. Supported values are listed in the table below (source).

Value Security Level Identifier Security Attributes Data Encryption Frame Integrity (length of MIC)
0 0x00 None OFF NO (M = 0)
1 0x01 MIC-32 OFF YES (M=4)
2 0x02 MIC-64 OFF YES (M=8)
3 0x03 MIC-128 OFF YES (M=16)
4 0x04 ENC ON NO (M = 0)
5 0x05 ENC-MIC-32 ON YES (M=4)
6 0x06 ENC-MIC-64 ON YES (M=8)
7 0x07 ENC-MIC-128 ON YES (M=16)


The network update identifier will be stored as an integer between 0 and 255.


This object contains vital information related to network key required to restore the network. The following keys are present:


This is an array of devices relevant to the coordinator: namely children and devices with APS link keys shared with the coordinator. Every object within this array contains the following fields:


Sample may be found in samples directory.

Name Source Description
z2m-sample-1.json Zigbee2MQTT Backup taken from CC2538 adapter on a formed network with working APS encryption.


Data models for different languages may be found in models directory.