ABANDONED: switched to a homeserver with sonarr etc instead: https://github.com/zilexa/Homeserver
Want to have free choice of on-demand tv content? Are on-demand subscription services limiting the available content and forcing you to watch a series within a few months? Did your favourite tvshow or movie became unavailable or is your TV subscription only offering you low quality crap? Enjoy the freedom. Keep paying for all those, since it is the only way to pay for content (due too a stubborn industry) but also go for free choice.
The way it works: on http://trakt.tv you can create a free account, add TV Shows titles you like to follow to a list (call that list tvshows). Trakt already has a list for movies, it is called "watchlist". Add the Trakt.tv addon to your Kodi mediacenter device. Kodi will sync your watched status with Trakt.tv (privately). Trakt does not offer any media content. It is purely a wikipedia for tv and movies. You can use Trakt.tv or just the internet in general to discover the shows and movies you would like to add to your tvshows list and your movies watchlist. By using trakt we now have an overview of 1) what you want to watch and 2) which episodes or movies you do not need, since you have already watched them.
FLEXGET Flexget is an amazingly powerful yet lightweight tool. There is no UI, it will simply run as service in the background. It is fully open source and developed and maintained by volunteers. you can support them here: https://flexget.com/ by donating. It uses your Trakt list and watched status to find, select, download, organise, enrich (with subtitles) and cleanup the content you want and organise everything in such a way to deliver the Lazy Couch Experience!
Content is downloaded using RSS Feeds and search engines that provide magnet links to torrent hives.
In non-Flexget/non-technical terms, this guide will allow Flexget to leverage the CONFIG.YML in this repository to do the following on a daily basis AUTOMATICALLY, some tasks are performed more often and for efficiency, not necessarily in this order:
Hardware: a Raspberry Pi 3 or (recommended) Vero 4K. You can use any Debian based OS but I highly recommend OSMC, "Open Source Meda Center". It is an OS for Raspberry Pi and Vero, based on Debian and perfectly tweaked to run Kodi on those devices. Also buy a 2TB external USB harddrive. I highly recommend to go for a silent one, NOT a fast one (2.5", 7mm, 5400rpm is enough).
After commecting your RPi3 or Vero to your tv, installing or updating OSMC (follow the instructions on https://osmc.tv/download) use your TV remote and go to MyOSMC > App Store and install Transmission (recommended: also go to Services and enable SAMBA server to be able to view your files on your Windows or Android device).
Create a (free, private) account on https://Trakt.tv. Create a list called "tvshows" and add the shows you would like to see, make sure these shows are not "ended" on trakt. Also mark episodes/seasons you have already seen as watched otherwise they will be downloaded.
If you need subtitles, create accounts with the same user/pw on opensubtitles.org and addic7ed.com.
Create an account at showrss.info, add the series you like and go to your personal feed. write down the userID number you see in the url, for example http://showrss.info/user/1234.rss?...., the userid is 1234.
Use AUTOSETUP.SH to install. All you have to do is add your Trakt account, showrss account, subtitles account, Transmission login and the location of your harddrive. Then you can run the file and sit back while it installs. More information via the link.
sudo systemctl stop transmission
(could be called transmission-daemon)cd ~/.config/transmission
nano runflexget.sh
~/flexget/bin/flexget execute --tasks find-* move-*
and hit CTRL+O and CTRL+Xchmod +x runflexget.sh
nano settings.json
"script-torrent-done-enabled": true, "script-torrent-done-filename": "~/.config/transmission-daemon/runflexget.sh",
hit CTRL+O and CTRL+Xsudo systemctl stop transmission
Authorize Flexget to access Trakt (you need a phone or pc and login to Trakt website to finish this step):
~/flexget/bin/flexget trakt auth YOURTRAKTUSERNAME
Run Flexget once fully:
~/flexget/bin/flexget execute --now
Start the service, it has been enabled by Autosetup already, only need to start it (will also happen on reboot):
sudo systemctl start flexget
To edit your config file,
nano ~/flexget/config.yml
or use Filezilla to access your device via SFTP and edit config.yml with your favorite text editor (highly recommended).How to change desired subtitle language?
Default for series: search for 720p releases, if not found, accept the highest available quality up to 1080p. This means 720p is first preferred but if not found, 1080p will be selected, if also not found, any lower but acceptable (=HDTV release) will be accepted. Default for movies: 3 quality buckets (HQ/NQ/LQ): 1080p 8-25GB, 1080P 2-8GB, 720P 1-8GB. Bitrate is more important that is why the buckets have filesize requirements. Change quality options: For series: search for " configure_series:". The default setting is 720p, For movies: find the HQ/NQ/LQ options. Please have a look at [this table](https://flexget.com/Plugins/quality) to understand the quality options and [this wiki](https://flexget.com/Plugins/series/timeframe) to understand how it works.
In the "template" section at the beginning of config.yml, find the "rejections" section. Make sure your language is not listed. By default, no translated content is accepted. Only original language content. Also Hindi is excluded. you might want to include that for Bollymovies. For subtitles, in the "tasks" section, find tasks "get-subtitles" and "find-subtitles". You can modify but also also add other languages.
You can add RSS feeds to config.yml in the task "download-series-rss". You can add search engines to the 'from' part of *-discover tasks ( download-seasons-discover, download-series-discover and the 3 movies discover tasks). You might need an urlrewrite, these are part of the "torrent" config, which is located below the "templates" and above the "tasks". Ask for help on the flexget forum (https://discuss.flexget.com).
If you have installed Flexget using Autosetup.sh OR manually by running the commands from autosetup.sh yourself, this is the only correct way to upgrade flexget:
~/flexget/bin/flexget -V
sudo systemctl stop flexget
sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade pip
#not sure if necessary but won't do harmcd ~/flexget/
bin/pip install --upgrade pip
bin/pip install --upgrade flexget
source ~/flexget/bin/activate
pip3 install transmissionrpc --upgrade
#loptional, last update was 2013pip3 install subliminal --upgrade
#optional, last update was 2016exit
rm -r ~/flexget/db-config.sqlite
) and do the 2 "first run" tasks again (authorizing Trakt and run with execute --now). sudo systemctl start flexget