zilin-huang / PE-RLHF

The official code for paper "Trustworthy Human-AI Collaboration: Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback and Physics Knowledge for Safe Autonomous Driving"
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Trustworthy Human-AI Collaboration ✨: Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback and Physics Knowledge for Safe Autonomous Driving

Webpage | Code | Video | Paper


🌟 Highlights

1. Requirements πŸ“¦

For an optimal experience, we recommend using conda to set up a new environment for PE-RLHF.

# Clone the code to local
git clone https://github.com/zilin-huang/PE-RLHF.git

# Create virtual environment
conda create -n PE-RLHF python=3.7
conda activate PE-RLHF

# Install basic dependency
pip install -e .

conda install cudatoolkit=11.0
conda install -c nvidia cudnn
# Now you can run the training script of PE-RLHF in MetaDrive Environment.

2. Quick Start πŸš€

Since the main experiment of PE-RLHF takes one hour and requires a steering wheel (Logitech G920), we further provide an easy task for users to experience PE-RLHF.

# use PE-RLHF environment
conda activate PE-RLHF 
cd pe_rlhf/run_main_exp/
python train_pe_rlhf_keyboard_easy.py --exp-name PE_RLHF --local-dir PATH_TO_SAVE_DIR --num-gpus=[your_gpu_num]

For example:

python train_pe_rlhf_keyboard_easy.py --exp-name PE_RLHF --local-dir /home/sky-lab/codes/PE-RLHF/pe_rlhf/run_main_exp --num-gpus=1

Now, human is authorized to take over the vehicle by pressing W/A/S/D and guide or safeguard the agent to the destination ("E" can be used to pause simulation). Since there is only one map in this task, 10 minutes or 5000 transitions is enough for agent to learn a policy.

πŸ“ Note: To make it easier for you to get started and test our code, we have uploaded a pretrained value estimator, i.e., sac_expert.npz, in the utils/saved_expert folder. Meanwhile, we set "warmup_ts": 0, so the info interface will show warmup: False. i.e., no need to warm up.

3. Main Experiment πŸ’‘

To reproduce the main experiment reported in paper, run following scripts:

python train_pe_rlhf.py --exp-name PE_RLHF --local-dir PATH_TO_SAVE_DIR --num-gpus=[your_gpu_num]

If steering wheel is not available, set controller="keyboard" in the script to train HAIM-DRL agent. After launching this script, one hour is required for human to assist HAIM-DRL agent to learn a generalizable driving policy by training in 50 different maps.

πŸ“Š Visualizing Results: Then, the training results will be saved in the run_main_exp/PE_RLHF folder. To evaluate PE-RLHF, you should run run_main_exp/eval_pe_rlhf.py.

4. Training Baselines πŸ–₯️

4.1 Physics-based Methods The physics-based methods (e.g., IDM-MOBIL model) does not need to train a model, to eval the performance you can directly run: ```bash # use previous PE-RLHF environment conda activate PE-RLHF cd pe_rlhf/run_baselines # eval physics-based experiment python eval_IDM_MOBIL.py ``` πŸ“Š **Visualizing Results:** Then, testing results for physics-based methods will be saved in the `idm_mobil_results.csv` file.
4.2 RL and Safe RL Methods For SAC/PPO/PPO-Lag/SAC-Lag, there is no additional requirement to run the training scripts. ```bash # use previous PE-RLHF environment conda activate PE-RLHF cd pe_rlhf/run_baselines # launch RL and safe RL experiment python train_[ppo/sac/sac_lag/ppo_lag].py --num-gpus=[your_gpu_num] ``` For example: ```bash python train_ppo.py --num-gpus=1 ``` πŸ“ **Note:** The result reported in our paper for RL and safe RL methods were repeated five times using different random seeds. To save computer resource, can revise the `num_seeds=5` to `num_seeds=1` in the `train_[ppo/sac/sac_lag/ppo_lag].py`. πŸ“Š **Visualizing Results:** Then, the training and testing results for RL and safe RL methods will be saved in the run_baselines/[ppo/sac/sac_lag/ppo_lag] folder. You can open it with tensorboard. For example: ```bash tensorboard --logdir=. --port=8080 ```
4.3 Human Demonstration Dataset Human demonstration dataset is required to run offline RL, IL, and offline RLHF methods. You can collect human demonstration by runing: ```bash # use previous PE-RLHF environment conda activate PE-RLHF cd pe_rlhf/utils # launch human demonstration data collection experiment python collect_human_data_set.py ``` πŸ“ **Note:** Also, for your convenient, we provide a high-quality demonstration dataset collected by our PE-RLHF team human expert. This dataset contains approximately 49,000 transitions in the training environment. This high-quality demonstration dataset achieves 100% success rate, with an episodic return of 388.16 and a low safety violation rate of 0.03. You can dricetly download at [here](https://github.com/zilin-huang/PE-RLHF/releases/tag/v1.0.0). Next, move the dataset, for example, `human_traj_100_new.json`, from the Downloads directory to the 'pe_rlhf' directory (which is at the same level as the `algo`, `run_baselines`, `run_main_exp`, and `utils`. For example, you can use the following command: ```bash mv ~/Downloads/human_traj_100_new.json /home/sky-lab/codes/PE-RLHF/pe_rlhf/ ```
4.4 IL Methods If you wish to run BC/CQL, extra setting is required as follows: ```bash # ray needs to be updated to 1.2.0 pip install ray==1.2.0 cd pe_rlhf/run_baselines # launch BC/CQL experiment python train_[bc/cql].py --num-gpus=0 # do not use gpu ``` βš™οΈ **Issue:** BC/CQL will encounter the following error: ```bash File "/home/zilin/anaconda3/envs/PE-RLHF/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/rllib/utils/torch_ops.py", line 105, in mapping tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item)) TypeError: can't convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_. The only supported types are: float64, float32, float16, complex64, complex128, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint8, and bool. ``` πŸ’‘ **Solution:** Modify lines 104-105 of the original code, i,e., `tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item))`. The new code as ```bash else: # tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item)) if isinstance(item, bool): item = int(item) tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item).astype(float)) ``` πŸ“ **Note:** Since the computational process of BC and CQL is on the CPU, it requires a relatively large amount of CPU memory. To reduce the computational resources, you can revise the `num_seeds=5` to `num_seeds=1` in the `train_[bc/cql].py`. Also we set `bc_iters=tune.grid_search([5_0000, 10_0000]` in `train_cql.py`. You can also change it to `bc_iters=5_0000`. this will also save computational resources.
4.5 GAIL and Offline RLHF Methods To run GAIL/HG-DAgger/IWR, please create a new conda environment and install GPU-version of torch: ```bash # Create virtual environment conda create -n PE-RLHF-torch python=3.7 conda activate PE-RLHF-torch # Install basic dependency pip install -e . # install torch conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch conda install cudatoolkit=11.0 ``` Now, GAIL can be trained by: ```bash cd pe_rlhf/run_baselines python train_[gail/IWR/hg_dagger].py ``` πŸ“ **Note:** You can set the maximum number of training cycles in `train_gail.py` by modifying `parser.add_argument('--max_epoch', default=3000)`. IWR/HG-Dagger can be trained by: ```bash cd pe_rlhf/run_baselines python train_[IWR/hg_dagger].py ``` πŸ“ **Note:** IWR and HG-Dagger run through a warm-up period of renderless, then the metadrive render screen pops up, with the human-in-the-loop capability activated to allow a human takeover. You can set the number of training rounds by modifying `NUM_ITS = 5` in `train_[IWR/hg_dagger].py`. Also, you can adjust `BC_WARMUP_DATA_USAGE = 30000` in `train_[IWR/hg_dagger].py` to set a different number of warmup transitions. πŸ“Š **Visualizing Results:** Then, the training model for IWR and HG-Dagger will be saved in the run_baselines folder. Notably, to evaluate IWR and HG-Dagger, you should run `algo/IWR/eval_IWR.py` or `algo/HG_Dagger/eval_hg_dagger.py`.
4.6 Online RLHF Methods If you want to run HACO ```bash cd pe_rlhf/run_baselines python train_haco.py --num-gpus=1 ``` πŸ“ **Note:** If steering wheel is not available, uncomment line 25 in `train_haco.py`, i.e., `# β€œcontroller”: β€œkeyboard”, # use keyboard or not`. This allows you to use the keyboard to control agent. πŸ“Š **Visualizing Results:** Then, the training results will be saved in the run_baselines/HACO folder. To evaluate HACO, you should run `run_baselines/eval_haco.py`.

5. Ablation Study πŸ“Š

The pe_rlhf_human_in_the_loop_env.py is the core file to implement the PE-RLHF. You can examine the sensitivity of PE-RLHF as well as perform ablation experiments by adjusting the settings in lines 52 - 67. In addition, you can also do this by adjusting lines 30 - 35 of train_pe_rlhf.py.

You can also achieve this effect by setting command line parameters. For example:

python train_pe_rlhf.py --exp-name PE_RLHF --local-dir /home/sky-lab/codes/PE-RLHF/pe_rlhf/run_main_exp --num-gpus=1 --pe_rlhf-ensemble --ckpt-freq 10

Contributions 🀝

Your thoughts and contributions are a green signal for us! 🚦

If you have any suggestions or collaboration about this repo, feel free to create a issue/PR or send email to us (zilin.huang@wisc.edu). πŸ“¬

Citation πŸ”–

If you find our paper and codes useful, please kindly cite us via:

        title={Trustworthy Human-AI Collaboration: Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback and Physics Knowledge for Safe Autonomous Driving},
        author={Huang, Zilin and Sheng, Zihao and Chen, Sikai},
        journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.00858},

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πŸ“ License

The content of this repository is under the hood of an MIT License.