Python Project Wizard
A tool for creating skeleton python project, built with popular develop tools and
conform to the best practice.
This tool will create Python project with the following features:
- Poetry: Manage version, dependancy, build and release
- Mkdocs: Writting your docs in markdown style
- Testing with Pytest (unittest is still supported out of the box)
- Code coverage report and endorsed by Codecov
- Tox: Test your code against environment matrix, lint and artifact check.
- Format with Black and Isort
- Lint code with Flake8 and Flake8-docstrings
- Pre-commit hooks: Formatting/linting anytime when commit/run local tox/CI
- Mkdocstrings: Auto API doc generation and docstring template (vscode and its extension autodocStrings is required)
- Command line interface using Python Fire (optional)
- Continuouse Integration/Deployment by github actions, includes:
- publish dev build/official release to TestPyPI/PyPI automatically when CI success
- publish documents automatically when CI success
- extract change log from github and integrate with release notes automatically
- Host your documentation from Git Pages with zero-config
- Support multiple versions of documentations (by mike)
- Create repo and push initial commits by script
Install ppw if you haven't install it yet:
pip install -U ppw
Generate a Python package project by simple run:
Then follow the Tutorial to finish configurations.
This repo is forked from audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage, and borrowed some ideas from briggySmalls
cfg4py is a great tool for managing configuration files, supporting configuration for different environments (dev, prodction and test), automatically converting yaml-based configuration to python class, so, you can access configuration items by attribute, thus, enable auto-completion (by IDE). It also supports live-reload, remoting central configuration, config template and more.