All kubectl aliases in one function. Also initializes kubectl completion if it
was not initialized.
usage: k <keys> [args...]
The keys parameter is composed of:
- 1 command key
- 0 or more resource keys
- 0 or more option keys
- 0 or 1 suffix key
all typed sequentially without spaces. Longer keys have precedence over shorter
keys. E.g pvc
has precedence over pv
Key |
Command |
a |
apply |
c |
create |
d |
describe |
e |
edit |
E |
exec |
g |
get |
h |
help |
k |
kustomize |
l |
logs |
t |
top |
v |
version |
x |
delete |
Key |
Resource |
apis |
apiservice |
bi |
binding |
cj |
cronjob |
cm |
configmap |
cr |
clusterrole |
crb |
clusterrolebinding |
crd |
customresourcedefinition |
crv |
controllerrevision |
cs |
componentstatus |
csid |
csidriver |
csin |
csinode |
csisc |
csistoragecapacity |
csr |
certificatesigningrequest |
de |
deployment |
ds |
daemonset |
ep |
endpoint |
eps |
endpointslice |
ev |
event |
fs |
flowschema |
hpa |
horizontalpodautoscaler |
ic |
ingressclass |
ing |
ingress |
jo |
job |
le |
lease |
lr |
limitrange |
lsarv |
localsubjectaccessreview |
mwc |
mutatingwebhookconfiguration |
no |
node |
np |
networkpolicy |
ns |
namespace |
pc |
priorityclass |
pdb |
poddisruptionbudget |
plc |
prioritylevelconfiguration |
po |
pod |
psp |
podsecuritypolicies |
pt |
podtemplate |
pv |
persistentvolume |
pvc |
persistentvolumeclaim |
rb |
rolebinding |
rc |
replicationcontroller |
ro |
role |
rq |
resourcequota |
rs |
replicaset |
rtc |
runtimeclass |
sa |
serviceaccount |
sarv |
subjectaccessreview |
sc |
storageclass |
sec |
secret |
ssarv |
selfsubjectaccessreview |
ssrrv |
selfsubjectrulesreview |
sts |
statefulset |
svc |
service |
tr |
tokenrequest |
trv |
tokenreview |
va |
volumeattachment |
vo |
volume |
vwc |
validatingwebhookconfiguration |
Key |
Option |
A |
--all-namespaces |
a |
--all |
h |
--help |
oj |
-o=json |
on |
-o=name |
ow |
-o=wide |
oy |
-o=yaml |
sl |
--show-labels |
w |
--watch |
Key |
Suffix |
f |
-f |
k |
-k |
l |
-l |
Input |
Output |
k af pod.json |
kubectl apply -f pod.json |
k dpol name=myLabel |
kubectl describe pod -l name=myLabel |
k gk dir/ |
kubectl get -k dir/ |
k gpoowA |
kubectl get pod -o=wide --all-namespaces |
k gsvcrc |
kubectl get service,replicationcontroller |
k xpoa |
kubectl delete pod --all |