zinebfadili / pinata-java-sdk

Unofficial Java SDK for Pinata IPFS pinning service
MIT License
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ipfs ipfs-pinning-services java pinata pinning-services sdk-java

Pinata SDK

Unofficial Java SDK for Pinata.


This Pinata Java SDK enables interaction with the Pinata API. Pinata is a pinning service that allows you to upload and manage files on IPFS.



For Maven, add the following sections to your pom.xml (replacing $LATEST_VERSION):



Create a Pinata instance without API keys:

  Pinata pinata = new Pinata();

Or, with Pinata API keys:

  Pinata pinata = new Pinata("yourPinataApiKey", "yourPinataSecretApiKey");

Test that you can connect to the API with:

  // If you created a Pinata instance with keys
  try {
    PinataResponse authResponse = pinata.testAuthentication();
    // If a PinataException hasn't been been thrown, it means that the status is 200  
    System.out.println(authResponse.getStatus()); // 200
  } catch (PinataException e) {
    // The status returned is not 200
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // Unable to send request

  // If you created a Pinata instance without keys
  try {
    PinataResponse authResponse = pinata.testAuthentication("yourPinataApiKey", "yourPinataSecretApiKey");
    // If a PinataException hasn't been been thrown, it means that the status is 200  
    System.out.println(authResponse.getStatus()); // 200
  } catch (PinataException e) {
    // The status returned is not 200
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // Unable to send request


The available operations are:

Please refer to the Pinata-SDK documentation for the explanation of the purpose of these methods. The method names are the same but in camel case.

If you have created a Pinata instance using your keys, you don't need to specify them again when calling the methods.

As an example, here is a call to pin by hash:

  // If you created a Pinata instance with keys
  try {
    PinataResponse pinResponse = pinata.pinByHash("yourHash");
    // If a PinataException hasn't been been thrown, it means that the status is 200  
    System.out.println(pinResponse.getStatus()); // 200
  } catch (PinataException e) {
    // The status returned is not 200
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // Unable to send request

  // If you created a Pinata instance without keys
  try {
    PinataResponse pinResponse = pinata.pinByHash("yourPinataApiKey", "yourPinataSecretApiKey", "yourHash");
    // If a PinataException hasn't been been thrown, it means that the status is 200  
    System.out.println(pinResponse.getStatus()); // 200
  } catch (PinataException e) {
    // The status returned is not 200
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // Unable to send request

The return value contains two attributes:

Methods with optional parameters (for example pinByHash and its options parameter) are overloaded so that they can be invoked without.


Please note that this version only supports IPFS peer addresses protocols and formats that are handled in the Multiformats Java Implementation. This means, for example, that addresses containing p2p-webrtc-start or in Base1 are not supported.
