zinns / training

Repo with several folder to train about GIT, HTML, CSS, JS, React, TS
MIT License
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ZINNS Training

This repo includes several folders to train mandatory skills for Front End Development

Each folder has different level of knowledge and as the trainings are completed the level of knowledge grows.


You should clone this repo using HTTPS / SSH or GH CLI

This repo uses Yarn as package manager Once the repo is local run this script to get all the necessary packages yarn


Every new task or exercise should be in its own branch You have to follow the next convention to be able to share your progress


Example: edgar.zea/javascript/exercise-3

For advanced progress check this global-branching


This repo has CI and CD configured. The steps to make a good implementation are:


There is a Board (Project) in GitHub where are cards related with specific tasks.

At the beginning of the course there would be some cards for the first lessons that have a particular structure based on subtasks from a generic task.

As you move through the levels of the course there would be a part where you'll have to create the cards.

The base structure is try to split the website that you have to develop into components and add its 4 common screen sizes: (UW / Desktop / Tablet / Mobile) when it needs it.

At the end of each card there should be a check for QA and this have to be only for reviewers.

As you are completing the subtasks you'll have to check the task that was completed, make the specific commit and add it to the card as a comment including the commit ID (hash) and screenshots or video assets as probes of the changes.

Once a commit was submitted the reviewer can check the changes done an add the date of the review to the QA check and must add a comment describing the bugs found with screenshots or video or if bugs were not found write some recommendations or congratulations.

Card Structure

[ ] Navbar
  - [ ] UW
  - [ ] Desktop
  - [ ] Tablet
  - [ ] Mobile
[ ] Hero
  - [ ] UW
  - [ ] Desktop
  - [ ] Tablet
  - [ ] Mobile
[ ] Footer
  - [ ] UW
  - [ ] Desktop
  - [ ] Tablet
  - [ ] Mobile
[ ] QA

The Board has 4 columns:

When a card is created it should be in To Do. At the moment you start to work on some card it should be moved to In progress Only when the PR is created the card should be in QA depending it is a Homework or Project task

When the card is in QA your reviewer has to check your implementation and approve it or request changes.

If the PR is approved the card can be moved to Done


Inside the trainings folder there are some folders for each course section. When you have to start a new exercise you'll have to create the folder to contain all the exercise files. You have to follow the next convention:

- trainings
    - 01

Also you'll need to create folders for each type of files of the project for example:

- trainings
    - 01
      - assets
        - image.png
      - index.html
      - styles
        - style.css
      - scripts
        - index.js


When you were working on JS vanilla exercises you'll find there is a tool called ESLINT that maybe shows you some errors while you're writing code. This linter helps the project to maintain a specific structure. Also it would help to reinforce our rules for outside projects.

If you have some problems with this Linter and you don't find how to solve it, please contact me Edgar Zea to help you or to fix this issue.


When you were doing React exercises you have to run one of these scripts inside the specific exercise folder


npm init react-app my-app


yarn create react-app my-app

If you want to add some template you can review this documentation:

Create React App Templates

If you want to learn more about new tools you can check this


Run React

In order to run the react project you're working on there is one script in package.json file -> react So you are able to run yarn run react and you have to pass the number of the project you are looking for, right now there is just one project.

Then, the script to execute should be yarn run react 1 and automatically the server would start and you can continue with your development.

Commits Convention

Here is a guide for each part of the commit

type(scope): subject


When some task has been done, you have to push your changes to your branch and create the PR of this change in order to review your changes


When you're creating a PR of your changes, follow the next steps:

Global Branching

As the first instructions say, there should be a branch for the specific topic and exercise your are doing but when you have finished all the exercises of one topic you should mix all these exercises in one branch that it will help you to have an organized branch and allow you to delete all the stale branches.

This global branch will be the one that will store all your progress but without errors that's reason why you have to wait until complete all the exercises and if there are errors you'll have to fix them to be able to mix all in the global branch.

The global branch will be only your name with your last name or with your username



Example: edgar.zea edgar.eamz

When all the issues in the exercises were fixed you have to create one PR for each exercise to mix it with your global branch.

Once the PR was accepted by the reviewer you can delete the branch.

At certain moment in the repo there would be only basic branches






In order to track the growing obtained during the course is necessary to create a tool that let us save the progress done and have the opportunity to try to measure it.

As the introduction of this project says, the objective is help others to learn about Web Development. So the project itself needs to be evaluated too.

These assessments are for the students and the course. The student has to evaluate the course and make a self-evaluation.

At this moment the easiest way to track this is using cards in the board. As the time moves on we will be creating new tools to make this activities better

Assessments should be done every 15 days depending on the state of the student.

The student base topics to be evaluated are:

- Pending Statuses
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
- Pending JS exercises
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
- QA iterations
  - Project 1 -> Number
    - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
    - [ ] Acceptable 👍
    - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
      - Bugs found -> Number
        - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
        - [ ] Acceptable 👍
        - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
  - Project 2 -> Number
    - Bugs found -> Number
- Reading Comprehension
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
- Proactivity (solve problems before they have ocurred)
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
- Progress
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
- Attention
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
- Knowledge
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
Final Evaluation
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] You're rocking 🚀
Final Comments:

The course base topics to be evaluated are:

- Content of the classes
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] They're rocking 🚀
- Doubts solved
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] They're rocking 🚀
- Clear Instructions
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] They're rocking 🚀
- Class level
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] They're rocking 🚀
- Do exercises are good enough?
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] They're rocking 🚀
- Do class topics are clear?
  - [ ] Need to work in 🆙
  - [ ] Acceptable 👍
  - [ ] They're rocking 🚀