ziplab / FASeg

[CVPR 2023] This is the official PyTorch implementation for "Dynamic Focus-aware Positional Queries for Semantic Segmentation".
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detr positional-encoding semantic-segmentation

Dynamic Focus-aware Positional Queries for Semantic Segmentation

[CVPR 2023] This is the official repository for our paper: Dynamic Focus-aware Positional Queries for Semantic Segmentation by Haoyu He, Jianfei Cai, Zizheng Pan, Jing liu, Jing Zhang, Dacheng Tao and Bohan Zhuang.

🚀 News

[2022-06-07]: Release code.

[2022-12-03]: Add Swin-B result.

[2023-02-28]: Got accepted by CVPR 2023!


We have proposed a simple yet effective query design for semantic segmentation under DETR-like frameworks, that the positional queries are aggregated from previous cross-attention scores and the localization infromation of the preceding layer. Therefore, each query is aware of its previous focus, thus providing more accurate positional guidance and encouraging the cross-attention consistency across the decoder layers.


Experimental results:

We provide single-seed experimental results and pre-trained models for FASeg:

ADE20k val Backbone Crop size mIoU s.s. (%) mIoU m.s. (%) Params. (M) FLOPs Model
FASeg w/ conditional K_p R50 512x512 48.3 49.3 51 72G model
FASeg w/ conditional K_p Swin-T 512x512 49.6 51.3 54 75G model
FASeg w/ conditional K_p Swin-B 640x640 55.0 56.0 113 225G model
FASeg w/ conditional K_p Swin-L 640x640 56.3 57.7 228 405G model
Cityscapes val Backbone Crop size mIoU s.s. (%) Params. (M) FLOPs Model
FASeg w/ conditional K_p R50 1024x2048 80.5 67 533G model


See installation instructions for mask2former.

Get started:

We provide training scripts for deriving all of our models:

# Train FASeg with R50 backbone and 8 GPUs on ADE20k:
python --num-gpus 8 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/faseg_r50.yaml

# Train FASeg with Swin-T backbone and 8 GPUs on ADE20k:  
python --num-gpus 8 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/faseg_swin_tiny.yaml

# Train FASeg with Swin-B backbone and 8 GPUs on ADE20k:  
python --num-gpus 8 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/faseg_swin_base_IN21k_res640.yaml

# Train FASeg with Swin-L backbone and 8 GPUs on ADE20k:  
python --num-gpus 8 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/faseg_swin_large_IN21k_res640.yaml

# Train FASeg with R50 backbone and 8 GPUs on Cityscapes:  
python --num-gpus 8 \
  --config-file configs/cityscapes/semantic-segmentation/faseg_r50.yaml

We also provide evaluation scrips for all of our models:

# Evaluate FASeg with R50 backbone and 1 GPU on ADE20k val:
python --num-gpus 1 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/faseg_r50.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS "model/ade_faseg_r50.pth"

# Evaluate FASeg with Swin-T backbone and 1 GPUs on ADE20k val:  
python --num-gpus 1 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/faseg_swin_tiny.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS "model/ade_faseg_swin_ti.pth"

# Evaluate FASeg with Swin-B backbone and 1 GPUs on ADE20k val:  
python --num-gpus 1 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/faseg_swin_base_IN21k_res640.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS "model/ade_faseg_swin_b.pth"

# Evaluate FASeg with Swin-L backbone and 1 GPUs on ADE20k val:  
python --num-gpus 1 \
  --config-file configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/faseg_swin_large_IN21k_res640.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS "model/ade_faseg_swin_l.pth"

# Evaluate FASeg with R50 backbone and 1 GPUs on Cityscapes val:  
python --num-gpus 1 \
  --config-file configs/cityscapes/semantic-segmentation/faseg_r50.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS "model/ade_faseg_swin_l.pth"

For more usage, please see Getting started with Mask2former and Getting started with Detectron2.

If you find this repository or our paper useful, please consider cite:

  title={Dynamic Focus-aware Positional Queries for Semantic Segmentation},
  author={He, Haoyu and Cai, Jianfei and Pan, Zizheng and Liu, Jing and Zhang, Jing and Tao, Dacheng and Zhuang, Bohan},


The code is largely based on Mask2Former. We thank the authors for their open-sourced code.