ziplantil / DescentMissionArchive

PHP web application for storing and searching Descent and Overload missions
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

DXMA (Descent Mission Archive; X standing in for 1, 2, 3, etc.) is a PHP web application that provides an interface for uploading and searching mission files for Descent games (as well as Overload).

The program requires PHP 7 as well as MySQL (with InnoDB or a compatible storage engine). When installed, the application should be configured by modifying config.php (under config) under the config folder. You may also want to look at about.php (under config) and replace its content with whatever you want, and add a noimg.png under the dxma folder as a placeholder for missions without a screenshot.

The code is not the best or cleanest I have written, but it does the job. It follows a quasi-MVC structure and uses PHP itself as a templating engine.