ziwang1121 / IEEE

[AAAI 2022] Interact, Embed, and EnlargE (IEEE): Boosting Modality-specific Representations for Multi-Modal Person Re-identification.
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Interact, Embed, and EnlargE (IEEE): Boosting Modality-specific Representations for Multi-Modal Person Re-identification

We provide the codes for reproducing result of our paper Interact, Embed, and EnlargE (IEEE): Boosting Modality-specific Representations for Multi-Modal Person Re-identification.


  1. Basic environments: python3.6, pytorch1.8.0, cuda11.1.

  2. Our codes structure is based on Torchreid. (More details can be found in link: https://github.com/KaiyangZhou/deep-person-reid , you can download the packages according to Torchreid requirements.)

# create environment
cd AAAI2022_IEEE/
conda create --name ieeeReid python=3.6
conda activate ieeeReid

# install dependencies
# make sure `which python` and `which pip` point to the correct path
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install torch and torchvision (select the proper cuda version to suit your machine)
conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

# install torchreid (don't need to re-build it if you modify the source code)
python setup.py develop

Get start

  1. You can use the setting in im_r50_softmax_256x128_amsgrad_RGBNT_ieee_part_margin.yaml to get the results of full IEEE.

    python ./scripts/mainMultiModal.py --config-file ./configs/RGBNT_ieee_part_margin.yaml --seed 40


  1. The details of our Cross-modal Interacting Module (CIM) and Relation-based Embedding Module (REM) can be found in .\torchreid\models\ieee3modalPart.py. The design of Multi-modal Margin Loss(3M loss) can be found in .\torchreid\losses\multi_modal_margin_loss_new.py.

  2. Ablation study settings.

    You can control these two modules and the loss by change the corresponding codes.

    1) Cross-modal Interacting Module (CIM) and Relation-based Embedding Module (REM)

    # change the code in .\torchreid\models\ieee3modalPart.py
    class IEEE3modalPart(nn.Module):
       def __init__(···
           modal_number = 3
           fc_dims = [128]
           pooling_dims = 768
           super(IEEE3modalPart, self).__init__()
           self.loss = loss
           self.parts = 6
           self.backbone = nn.ModuleList(···
          # using Cross-modal Interacting Module (CIM)
           self.interaction = True
           # using channel attention in CIM
           self.attention = True
           # using Relation-based Embedding Module (REM)
           self.using_REM = True

    2) Multi-modal Margin Loss(3M loss)

    # change the code in .\configs\your_config_file.yaml
    # using Multi-modal Margin Loss(3M loss), you can change the margin by modify the parameter of "ieee_margin".
     name: 'margin'
       label_smooth: True
     ieee_margin: 1
     weight_m: 1.0
     weight_x: 1.0
    # using only CE loss
     name: 'softmax'
       label_smooth: True
     weight_x: 1.0


    RGBNT201 & reconstructed cross-modal datasets & Market1501 multi-modal version:

    Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EscBadX-wMAT56_It5lXY-S3-b5nK1wH?usp=sharing Please contact with Zi Wang (email address: ziwang1121@foxmail.com).