ziyi01 / Inkposter

Project for course DH2643 at KTH.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link


A web browser-based multiplayer party game for 3-9 players based on skribbl.io, Gartic Phone and Fake Artist goes to New York made for course DH2643 @ KTH.

Table of Contents
  1. Description
  2. Setup
  3. Workflows
  4. Code architecture
  5. The Developers


How to play

The game requires one host device where everything shared is displayed and 3-9 player devices where you see your personal prompts and drawings.

At the start of the game everyone receives a prompt that relates to a theme, except 1 player who is an Inkposter. No one knows what the theme is and no one knows who the imposter is. The Inkposter needs to observe the other drawings to blend in with the rest. The innocent players need to also pay attention to who might be late to draw without revealing too much information about the theme. Everyone draws on their personal devices and can see everyone else's drawings on the host device's screen.

When the timer runs out voting begins. The players vote what they suspect the theme is and who they think the Inkposter is. If the majority of players vote for the Inkposter then they're caught!

Design and Demo

The layout is designed in Figma following: https://www.figma.com/design/V4OLczauxQRw13nV0fefb7/Inkposter-Design?node-id=2407-292&node-type=frame&t=S5xK8qXW5BX97cNm-0 (Also see: Code architecture).

A demo is deployed on Heroku: https://inkposter-917d97c7bb64.herokuapp.com.

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Built with


To start the REST API server and the client application:

Docker-compose (recommended during development) The docker image for Inkposter is deployed on: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/ziyi01/inkposter/.

  1. Build the image using docker-compose.yml from root:
    $ docker-compose build
  2. Run the development environment/docker container on localhost:3000:
    $ docker-compose up -d

Use docker-compose down -v to close the container process.

npm CLI

  1. Install npm dependencies with:
    $ npm run dev-build
  2. Start the server on localhost:3000 with:
    $ npm start

To run either the frontend or the backend application separately, enter the app or server folder:

  1. Install npm dependencies with:
    $ npm install
  2. For the frontend application app run:
    $ npm run build
  3. Run the application with:
    $ npm start

API endpoints

Method URL Description
POST /user Create user with unique userID. If user exists, return a confirmation.
GET /user/:userID Get information about user userID from database
GET /user/:userID/userStats Get stats from user's previous games from database
PATCH /user/:userID/username Update username of user userID in database
PATCH /user/:userID/avatar Upload avatar to user userID in database
PATCH /user/:userID/previousTheme Add current game theme to user userID's previous themes
PATCH /user/:userID/sessionResults Add results of the game to user userID
DELETE /user/:userID Delete user of id userID
GET /openai/username Return a unique username generated by OpenAI
PATCH /openai/sessionParams Generates theme and prompts for the game

Socket communication

Socket.io is used for real-time communication with the server and clients during the game. The clients are divided into host (the client whose display is used to show all drawings and triggers start of the game) and players (usually on a phone, where they draw and can see their role and prompt).

Below shows the events emitted and what each role does in the communication chain:


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File Workflow Description On
node.js.yml Node.js CI Build and run tests Pull and Push to main-branch
test.yml Coverage Runs tests and create coverage report Pull main-branch
docker.yml Docker CI Deploys the docker image Push to main-branch
main.yml Deploy Deploys the application to Heroku Pull request main-branch


Test coverage is reported when creating a pull-request into the main-branch. Unit tests are separated into the folders ./app/__tests__ for UI tests and ./server/__test__ for server tests:

File Test Type
App.test.tsx App renders login page properly UI test
App.test.tsx Login button fires off callback UI test
App.test.tsx Redirect to /login when app rendered UI test
db.test.js Create and delete user Database test
db.test.js Retrieve user stats Database test
db.test.js Update username and retrieve user Database test
route.test.js /api/user/0 return test user REST API test
route.test.js /api/user/0/userStats return stats REST API test
route.test.js /api/user/10000 return 404 REST API test
route.test.js /api/openai/username should return 200 REST API test
route.test.js /api/openai/sessionPrompts should return 200 REST API test

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Code architecture

File structure in the project that is used to build the application.


The front-end application uses a MVP-architecture. The code is divided into folders components (for repeated components and cripts), presenters and views. userModel.tsx is the model for the application and the app is mounted using App.tsx and index.tsx.

└── app/src/
    ├── components/
    │   ├── githubCallback.tsx
    │   ├── layout.tsx
    │   ├── popup.js
    │   ├── timer.tsx
    │   ├── socket-client.tsx
    │   └── canvas.tsx
    ├── presenters/
    │   ├── homepage-presenter.tsx
    │   ├── host-end-presenter.tsx
    │   ├── host-game-presenter.tsx
    │   ├── host-voting-presenter.tsx
    │   ├── host-waiting-presenter.tsx
    │   ├── player-end-presenter.tsx
    │   ├── player-game-presenter.tsx
    │   ├── player-voting-presenter.tsx
    │   └── player-waiting-presenter.tsx
    ├── views/
    │   ├── homepage.tsx
    │   ├── host-game.tsx
    │   ├── host-session-end.tsx
    │   ├── host-voting.tsx
    │   ├── host-waiting.tsx
    │   ├── loading.tsx
    │   ├── login-page.tsx
    │   ├── player-game.tsx
    │   ├── player-session-end.tsx
    │   ├── player-voting.tsx
    │   ├── player-waiting.tsx
    │   └── profile.tsx
    ├── App.css
    ├── App.tsx
    ├── global.css
    ├── index.css
    ├── index.tsx
    ├── server-requests.tsx
    ├── userModel.tsx
    └── logo.svg


The back-end is quite short, routes/api.js contain the REST endpoints of the app. bin/www initialises the server and socket.io. db.js, openai.js and socket.js implement MongoDB, OpenAI and socket.io respectively.

└── server/
    ├── bin/
    │   └── www
    ├── routes/
    │   └── api.js
    ├── app.js
    ├── db.js
    ├── openai.js
    └── socket.js

The Developers

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