Full text search in laravel on single or multiple fields
composer require 5dmatwebsearch/advancesearch:dev-master
'Search' => AdvanceSearch\AdvanceSearchProvider\Facades\SearchFacades::class,
Add index to fields
php artisan index:table table fields
table = the table name
fields = the fields you can add. One or more fields can be added like this: title,description,tags
php artisan index:table films title,description
You can now use the search function
Search::search(modelName , fields, searchText ,select , order , pagination , limit)
modelName = The table name
fields = The fields you can add title,description,tags
searchText = The text you're looking for
select = The fields you want a return from. You can return with one field like this: title. Or more than one like ['title' , 'description']
order = You can pass a single order field like this: id. Or you can pass the field and the way like this ['id' , 'desc']
pagination = True if you want pagination to be enabled, false if not. The package will paginate by default
limit = The amount of results you want returned. (10 by default)
First example with pagination
"Films" ,
['title' , 'description'] ,
"Drama Outback GOLDFINGER" ,
['modelName' , 'title', 'description'],
['film_id' , 'asc'] ,
true ,
Second example with pagination
"Films" ,
['title' , 'description'] ,
"Drama Outback GOLDFINGER" ,
['id' , 'title', 'description'],
Example without pagination
"Films" ,
['title' , 'description'] ,
"Drama Outback GOLDFINGER" ,
['film_id' , 'title', 'description'],
)->where('film_id' , 10)->get()