[x] API Test support with alone api test source set
[X] API Test with Rest-assured
[x] Spring boot with actuator for simple health check and metrics
[X] Test coverage report and verification with Jacoco
[X] IDE feature support like git、java
[ ] Project folder with multi level structure
[X] Config support multi ENV with spring profile
[X] Config content reading with unify mode (eg:@ConfigurationProperties)
[X] Check Style support with customized config
[X] ORM support: JAP with local env connect H2
[ ] JAP with Dev env connect Mysql 7 and multi name rule persistence operation in JPA Respostory
[X] DB managements like Flyway/Liquibase
[ ] Object mapping abstract with Orika
[X] JUnit Test Support - Include Spring Test Starter(Already Include Junit) and Mockito
[ ] Junit with JUnitParams
[X] Log Aspect and Logback format for multi ENV
[ ] API request exception handling strategy and record them in log in public framework
[ ] API Error request unify response formation
[X] CORS simple Support
[ ] Request & Response gzip support
[ ] API quick access UI support: Swagger ui
[X] Security and Authentication support with Auth 2.0 and JWT and Spring Security
[X] API /info with production ready info (like: version, name, build number etc.)
[X] CI process like Jenkins pipeline
[X] Remote debug support
[ ] Cache support
[ ] Internationalization (i18n)
[ ] The unify way to call dependence service
[ ] API version support
[ ] Rest api playload standard building like JaonAPI/HAL
[X] Build jar in container
[X] Containerized the env API server
[ ] Containerized the env DB
[ ] File upload and download support like Image
[ ] Hot Reload when doing some updates
[ ] CORS Support including client validation
[ ] Customer Driven Contract Testing - (Tool advice: spring boot contract or Pact)
[ ] Ansible deploy process strategy
[ ] Containerized building and running with newest Docker multi build feature
[ ] Spring Cloud support for microservice basic stack
if you wang to pick any item upon, please click Board, and choose the corresponding crad which exist in todo list.
When you start a card, please convert this card to a issue and create a separated branch for implementation, then create a pull request for merging to master.