zk00006 / OpenTLD

OpenTLD is an open source library for real-time 2D tracking of a single object in video. This repository is no longer under development. For latest version see: http://www.tldvision.com/tld2.html
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.09k stars 1.27k forks source link

Problem Compiling #44

Open zegmonteiro opened 10 years ago

zegmonteiro commented 10 years ago

Can someone help me with this error? I'm trying to compile the program, but I'm getting this error. Hope someone can help me...


the13thson commented 10 years ago

Having the exact problem, and it's been eating at me for days. Post a solution if you find one. Thanx in advance, I'll be posting my progress soon as well.

Seraphli commented 9 years ago

Hi, I manage to fix this problem myself. Change unix compile code (located in compile.m) to this.

if isunix

    include = ' -I/usr/local/include/opencv/ -I/usr/local/include/';
    libpath = '/usr/local/lib/';

    files = dir([libpath 'libopencv*.so']);

    lib = [];
    for i = 1:length(files),
        lib = [lib ' -l' files(i).name];
    eval(['mex lk.cpp -O' include lib]);
    %eval(['mex -O lk.cpp' include '-lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc']);
    mex -O -c tld.cpp
    mex -O fern.cpp tld.o
    mex -O linkagemex.cpp
    mex -O bb_overlap.cpp
    mex -O warp.cpp
    mex -O distance.cpp
mingtop commented 9 years ago

Greate!!! @Seraphli

GUIEEN commented 7 years ago

Thank you !! @Seraphli