zk00006 / OpenTLD

OpenTLD is an open source library for real-time 2D tracking of a single object in video. This repository is no longer under development. For latest version see: http://www.tldvision.com/tld2.html
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.09k stars 1.27k forks source link

TLD 1.0 (Predator)

TLD is an algorithm for tracking of unknown objects in unconstrained video streams. The object of interest is defined by a bounding box in a single frame. TLD simultaneously tracks the object, learns its appearance and detects it whenever it appears in the video.

  1. License: GPL
  2. Project: http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/Z.Kalal/tld.html
  3. Wiki: https://github.com/zk00006/OpenTLD/wiki.
  4. Group: http://groups.google.com/group/opentld.

@article{Kalal2012, author = {Kalal, Z and Mikolajczyk, K and Matas, J}, journal = {Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, title {Tracking-learning-detection}, year = {2012} }

(c) 2011 Zdenek Kalal