zkat / destealify

Browserify transform for processing StealJS modules
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destealify is a browserify transform that allows free intermixing of StealJS modules with Node.js-style CommonJS modules.

It also supports webpack. See examples/canjs-webpack.



$ npm install destealify


Command Line

browserify -t destealify main.js -o bundle.js


var browserify = require('browserify');
var fs = require('fs');

var b = browserify('main.js');



For packages that are written as StealJS modules, add a browserify transform field to package.json and browserify will apply the transform to all modules in the package as it builds a bundle.

  "name": "anchor",
  "main": "main",
  "browserify": {
    "transform": "destealify"


Unfortunately, there's no obvious way to use browserify directly with the steal version of CanJS. This is because browserify does not recursively transform dependencies, and expects them to do their own transformation, or use the browserify field -- which would then need further configuration for the quirks of how the CanJS repo works.

Instead, use webpack, which has a similar featureset to browserify. See examples/canjs-webpack for details.


Most StealJS modules rely on absolute pathing. There are two ways around this:

  1. use symlinks in node_modules/ to arrange your paths such that require() works as expected for the paths in the steal module.
  2. Use a stealconfig.js file in a parent directory of your module and use the map and paths options, which are handled by this transform, to map module names as needed.

For example, if you have a module that looks like:

steal("frob/this", function() {

destealify will first translate that dependency to "frob/this/this.js", following StealJS conventions.

If your this.js library is located in ./bower_components/frobjs/this/index.js, you can write a stealconfig.js in your project's root that looks like:

  map: {
    "*": {
      "frob/this/this.js": "thisjs"
  paths: {
    "thisjs": "bower_components/frobjs/this"

and everything will be taken care of for you.


destealify is a public domain work, dedicated using CC0 1.0. Feel free to do whatever you want with it.