zkincaid / duet

Duet: static analysis for unbounded concurrency
MIT License
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Duet is a static analysis tool designed for analyzing concurrent programs.



Duet depends on several software packages. The following dependencies need to be installed manually.

On Ubuntu, you can install these packages with:

 sudo apt-get install opam libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libntl-dev default-jre python python3-distutils python3-lib2to3 libffi-dev pkg-config autoconf libtool libflint-dev libflint-arb-dev

On MacOS, you can install these packages (except Java) with:

 brew install opam gmp mpfr ntl python libffi pkg-config autoconf libtool

Next, add the sv-opam OPAM repository, and install the rest of duet's dependencies. These are built from source, so grab a coffee — this may take a long time.

 opam remote add sv https://github.com/zkincaid/sv-opam.git#modern
 opam install ocamlbuild ocamlfind zarith ocamlgraph batteries ppx_deriving ounit menhir ctypes-foreign
 opam install cil apron ntl normalizffi z3 faugere arbduet

Building Duet

After Duet's dependencies are installed, it can be built as follows:


Duet's makefile has the following targets:

Running Duet

There are three main program analyses implemented in Duet:

Duet supports two file types (and guesses which to use by file extension): C programs (.c), Boolean programs (.bp).

By default, Duet checks user-defined assertions, which are specified by the built-in function __VERIFIER_assert. Alternatively, it can also instrument assertions as follows:

duet.native -check-array-bounds -check-null-deref -coarsen FILE

Data flow graphs

The -coarsen flag implements an invariant generation procedure for multi-threaded programs with an unbounded number of threads. The analysis is described in

Proof spaces

The -proofspace flag implements a software model checking procedure for multi-threaded programs with an unbounded number of threads. The procedure is described in

Compositional recurrence analysis

The -cra flag is an invariant generation procedure for sequential programs. The analysis is described in

Typically, it is best to run CRA with -cra-split-loops. By default, the -cra runs the analysis as described in POPL'18. The FMCAD'15 analysis can be run by setting the -cra-no-matrix flag.

Several other analyses are available using the -cra-X family of flags (see ./duet.exe --help for a full list).

The interprocedural variant is described in

is available in the Newton-ark2 branch of this repository. Build instructions to come.

Algebraic termination analysis

The -termination flag implements algebraic termination analysis, as described in

By default, the termination analyzer uses a portfolio of different approaches for proving termination, which can be selectively disabled using the -termination-no-X family of flags (see ./duet.exe --help for a full list). Most of the -cra-X family of flags are also compatible with -termination.


Duet is split into several packages: