App to add name and score to the leader-board. Use Js to add functionality: -Add records. -Use localStorage to keep records. -Modules to separate functions. Use webpack to compile all the files.
The Leaderboard API service was created by Microvere.
Base URL:
To create a game, send a POST action to Base URL + /games, with the name of the game. Parameters example for POST action:
{ "name": "my Game" }
Return value: unique identifier for the game
{ "result": "Game with ID: eGQEQDjegs1D0sJkE8LU added." }
To submit a score, send a POST action to Base URL + /games/ + :id + /scores/. E.g: Base URL/games.eGQEQDjegs1D0sJkE8LU/scores/. Parameters example for POST action:
{ "user": "John Doe", "score": 43 }
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps:
👤 Oscar Bermudez
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This project is MIT licensed.