zlfben / trace2tap

Trace2TAP: Synthesizing Trigger-Action Programs From Traces of Behavior
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Trace2TAP: Synthesizing Trigger-Action Programs From Traces of Behavior


This repository reproduces the result from our paper "Trace2TAP: Synthesizing Trigger-Action Programs From Traces of Behavior" based on anonymized data collected from our user study.

You can build the fullstack web-application we used in our user study which are executed in several docker containers.


You need to install docker, docker-compose and git-lhs on your local machine.

The following building process does not support Windows or Windows Subsystem Linux. We tested it on native Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.

Download Trace2TAP

git clone https://github.com/zlfben/trace2tap.git

Build Trace2TAP

./start_server_dev.sh --data data/data-anonymous.sql data/iotcore.sql

This will build all our images and run the containers. It will start a local web-application at port 80.

Test our interface

Goto "localhost/" in the browser and use the following credentials to log in with our participants trace (anonymized).

See the results in our user study

Interview coding

The coding of the interview can be found at data/Trace2TAP-Coding.xlsx.

Rules synthesized in the interview

In the terminal, run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml exec backend python3 manage.py review list

This shows a list of pages participants saw in their interviews. To check one of them in detail, run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml exec backend python3 manage.py review show -i <id>