zm-reborn / zmr-game

Zombie Master, an RTS/FPS game on the Source 2013 engine.
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Zombies hardly affected by trigger_push compared to ZM1.2.1 #304

Closed Fichtendummkopf closed 4 years ago

Fichtendummkopf commented 4 years ago

After attempting to launch the hulk boss in my map into the air with a trigger_push, I realized he would just slightly float up and down maybe 6 hammer units, no matter how high I set the speed of the trigger_push.

So I made a small test map to compare the two games: The map has a shambler, a banshee and a hulk spawn inside a triggeR_push that aims upward, and can be activated by a button.

In ZM1.2.1, both the banshee and shambler get pushed up quickly above the top of the trigger_push (about the same height as the orange wall surrounding the zombies). They shoot up above the trigger, fall back down into the trigger, up again, with a rather high change of height. The hulk slowly rises to the top of the trigger and stays there, probably due to higher mass. (screenshot 1 and 2) zm_hard_impact_triggerpush0000 zm_hard_impact_triggerpush0001

In ZMR, the hulk spawns at world origin because the game decides he does not have enough space to spawn, same issue as posted on github already. The shambler's and banshee's height oscillates again, only now, the difference in height is much much lower than in 1.2.1, they don't even go up the end of the trigger. (screenshot 3 and 4) zm_hard_impact_triggerpush0000_ZMR zm_hard_impact_triggerpush0001_ZMR

No idea if this has anything to do with the new "NPC" system, or the mass of the zombies. Probably not the latter, as the force of the trigger did not seem to really make a difference.