zmaril / callcongressnow

Yes, let the politics flow through you
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Call Congress Now

A Heroku web app using Compojure that lets you bleed the internet over into the most glorious american congress.

This was built using Om. Many words are forthcoming on that experience. Needless to say, Om is terrible.


After you've acquired twilio credentials, run the app locally with:

APP_SID=YOURS TWILIO_SID=YOURS TWILIO_AUTH=YOURS lein run -m callcongressnow.web

To run on heroku, configure your twilio app's voice url to point to You also need to set $PHONE_NUMBER to a valid phone number e.g. heroku config:set PHONE_NUMBER=1-123-4567.

Copyright © 2014 Zack Maril

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.