A heating system simulation tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NOTE: This tool is not developed anymore and its functionatilies will be incoporated in the oeomf solph library approx. end of summer 2017 (~ oemof v0.2)

HESYSOPT stands for "Heating System Optimization Tool" and is a free, open source tool to simulate district heating systems. It is developed in Python and based on the open energy modelling framework (https://github.com/oemof/oemof), specifically the solph-package. The mathematical approach is mixed-integer-linear programming.


To come....

Installing HESYSOPT

At the moment you need to clone the repository:

.. code:: bash

git clone git@github.com:simnh/HESYSOPT.git

HESYSOPT depends on oemof. Once you installed oemof, you should be ready to start as all dependencies that are required for HESYSOPT are coming along with oemof (pandas, pyomo, etc.). You might want to add the HESYSOPT repository to your python path by adding the following line to you ~/.bashrc file.

.. code:: bash

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/home/user/path/to/HESYSOPT"


Once you downloaded the repository, change to the directory with the source code. You can now run the application with terminal command.

To get information about app options, run the following command in your terminal:

.. code:: bash

python3 app.py --help

Provide the data in a csv-file. To see what structure is needed, checkout the example directory inside the repository.


There exist a short-paper for the EnvironInfo conference 2016 (submitted).

Please cite as:

S. Hilpert (2016) HESYSOPT - An optimization tool to support district heating flexibilisation. Short paper presented at the Environmental Informatics – Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, Berlin, 14-16 September 2016