znsio / specmatic

Turn your contracts into executable specifications. Contract Driven Development - Collaboratively Design & Independently Deploy MicroServices & MicroFrontends.
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asyncapi backward-compatibility cdd contract-driven-development contract-testing graphql jdbc microservices openapi redis service-virtualization specmatic wsdl


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In a complex, interdependent eco-system, where each service is evolving rapidly, we want to make the dependencies between them explicit in the form of executable contracts. Contract Driven Development leverages API specifications like OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, etc. as executable contracts allowing teams to get instantaneous feedback while making changes to avoid accidental breakage.

With this ability, we can now independently deploy, at will, any service at any time without having to depend on expensive and fragile integration tests.

What is Specmatic

Specmatic embodies contract driven development (CDD) by leveraging API specifications as executable contracts.

Our Goal is to support various types of Interactions

Systems interact with each other through several means. Specmatic hopes to address all these mechanisms and not just web interactions.

Specmatic's Product Roadmap

Learn more at specmatic.io

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