znuny / Survey

A customer survey tool to send emails to the customer after a ticket is closed. The customer can access the public interface to submit a survey with custom questions. A report of the survey can be shown in the agent interface.
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This add-on enables you to create surveys, add questions to a created survey, set a survey live in order to send requests, modify existing surveys to a certain extent, and view statistics of submitted survey answers as well as the answers themselves.



Use the online repository Znuny Open Source Add-ons from the package manager to install the add-on. From the command line use this command: bin/znuny.Console.pl Admin::Package::Install https://addons.znuny.com/public/:Survey

Commercial Support

For this add-on and for Znuny in general visit www.znuny.com. Looking forward to hear from you.

Your Znuny Team!
