zoekitchel / trawl_spatial_turnover

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Marine fish communities cycle between homogenized and differentiated states through time

Currently in review at PNAS.

Zoë J. Kitchel, Aurore A. Maureaud, Alexa Fredston, Nancy Shackell, Bastien Mérigot, James T. Thorson, Laurène Pécuchet, Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, Maria L.D. Palomares, Antonio Esteban Acón, Mark Belchier, Gioacchino Bono, Pierluigi Carbonara, Martin A. Collins, Luis A. Cubillos, Tracey P. Fairweather, Maria Cristina Follesa, Cristina Garciá Ruiz, Maria Teresa Farriols Garau, Germana Garofalo, Igor Isajlović, Johannes N. Kathena, Mariano Koen-Alonso, Porzia Maiorano, Chiara Manfredi, Jurgen Mifsud, Richard L. O’Driscoll, Mario Sbrana, Jón Sólmundsson, Maria Teresa Spedicato, Fabrice Stephenson, Karl-Michael Werner, Daniela V. Yepsen, Walter Zupa, Malin L. Pinsky

Please contact Z.J. Kitchel with questions about this project. The results are partially reproducible from the scripts and data files that can be shared are either in this GitHub repository or (if they are too large) will be hosted on OSF (as described below).

Where do data come from?

We used of a number of datasets that are already publicly available and/or published with this project, in addition to some regional datasets that may be available upon request from data providers. These are fully described and cited in the manuscript, but we also list them here for ease of download, access, and attribution.

What's in this repository?

The repository is organized as follows:

What's not in the repository?

The following files are too big to host on GitHub and are available on OSF only:

We did not host the raw SODA and OISST data on OSF because the source files are very large. The SODA sea bottom temperature data were downloaded from http://www.soda.umd.edu/ (accessed May 28, 2023). The NOAA OISST data were downloaded from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/sea-surface-temperature-optimum-interpolation/ (accessed May 19, 2023).

We respect that trawl survey data for some regions are not currently publically available. Therefore, we cannot share survey data for South Georgia,the Mediterranean, South Africa, Chile, Namibia, Newfoundland, Greenland, Iceland, or New Zealand. This repository includes scripts that will prepare and process these data, but does not include raw data files for these regions. Table S1 lists data providers/corresponding authors for each region.

In what order should things be run?

To reproduce the analysis, run these scripts in order:

Trawl data preparation:

  1. data_prep_code > fishglob_species > prepare_fishglob_dataset_1.Rmd: This script prepares bottom trawl survey data observations for analysis using survey by survey specific edits. It also integrates data that needed to be updated from FISHGLOB v1.5 -- Norway and Greenland specifically.

  2. data_prep_code > fishglob_species > standardize_temp_space_2.Rmd: This script standardizes bottom trawl survey data across space and time. Specifically, it assigns all trawl locations to hexagonal cells, removes any years for a survey that sample less than 70% of cells ever sampled for that survey and then removes any cells that are sampled in less than 70% of years.

Dissimilarity time series

  1. analysis_code > dissim_metric_space_time_3.Rmd: This script calculates Bray Curtis and Jaccard total and partitioned dissimilarities for every pairwise tow combination in each survey x year combination. Then, it averages across pairs for annual average for each survey x year.

  2. analysis_code > dissim_metric_space_time_3b_15perc_exclude.Rmd: Same as above but excluding 15% of species from each survey with lowest overall biomass through time series.

  3. analysis_code > dissim_metric_space_time_3c_onethird_exclude.Rmd: Same as above but excluding species that are present in less than 1/3 of years for each survey.

  4. analysis_code > year_dissimilarity_BC_total_models_4a.Rmd: This script performs main dissimilarity time series analysis.

  5. analysis_code > year_dissimilarity_BC_total_models_4b_nullmodelreshuffle.Rmd: Same as above but reshuffling years 1000x times (null analysis for # of surveys we'd expect to be homogenizing and differentiating by chance if there were no directional trends in dissimilarity through time).

  6. analysis_code > year_dissimilarity_BC_balanced_models_4b.Rmd: Same as above but for Bray Curtis balanced changes component of dissimilarity. (Yes two b's, my apologies)

  7. analysis_code > year_dissimilarity_BC_gradient_models_4c.Rmd: Same as above but for Bray Curtis abundance gradients component of dissimilarity.

  8. analysis_code > year_dissimilarity_jaccard_total_models_4d.Rmd: Same as above but for total Jaccard dissimilarity.

  9. analysis_code > year_dissimilarity_BC_total_models_15perc_excl_4e.Rmd: Same as above but excluding 15% of species from each survey with lowest overall biomass through time series.

  10. analysis_code > year_dissimilarity_BC_total_models_onethird_excl_4f.Rmd: Same as above but excluding species that are present in less than 1/3 of years for each survey.

Temperature data preparation

  1. data_prep_code > temperature > Import_SODA_web_convert_raster_bottomtemp_5a_1.Rmd

  2. data_prep_code > temperature > pulling_averaging_SODA_temp_data_5a_2.Rmd

  3. data_prep_code > temperature > pulling_averaging_OISST_surface_temp_data_5b_2.Rmd

Fishing data preparation

  1. data_prep_code > fishing > Pull_SeaAroundUs_6.Rmd

Temperature and Fishing as predictors of annual dissimilarity

  1. analysis_code > Regional_statistics_7.Rmd: merge fishing, and dissimilarity data sets, and then calculate regional statistics, and look at patterns of survey characteristics versus trends in dissimilarity.

  2. analysis_code > annual_dissim_fishing_temp_model_8.Rmd: Runs and ranks models using temperature, fishing, and survey characteristics to predict annual dissimilarity within surveys.

  3. analysis_code > annual_dissim_fishing_temp_model_8b_oisst.Rmd: Same as above, but for surface temperature (OISST).

Misc scripts Scripts without an associated number are accessory scripts. They are not needed for the main or supplemental analyses, but are informative. See text within specific scripts for info on what they do.

One that is particularly helpful:

1. data_prep_code > fishglob_species >data_clean_visualization_cell_year.Rmd: This script visually shows the years and cells excluded from the analyses for each survey (these plots created in data_prep_code > fishglob_species > standardize_temp_space_2.Rmd)

Species Names

Source scripts for figures and tables

Main text:

Supplemental Figures:

Supplemental Tables
