zoellner / gmail-batch-stream

Streaming interface to Gmail API using batch requests
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link

:warning: Package no longer supported. Maintainer wanted.

Gmail Batch Stream

A Node.js module to create batch requests for the Gmail REST API and return them as Highland.js streams.

Looking for maintainer

Since I'm not actively using this package anymore, I'd appreciate if someone who is using it would take over maintenance.

Google API Batch Requests

The official Google API Node.js Client google/google-api-nodejs-client is missing batch processing. For processing large amounts of email through the Gmail API, batch processing greatly improves the throughput.

Issues, Features and Bugs

The module isn't very universal yet. Pull requests are welcome. For issues, feature requests or bugs that need attention please use the GitHub Issue Tracker.


This library is distributed on npm. In order to add it as a dependency, run the following command:

$ npm install gmail-batch-stream --save

You will also need the official Google APIs Node.js Client and Highland.js to run the example below.

$ npm install googleapis --save
$ npm install highland --save


Example: Take a stream of message ids and load message headers in batches of 100. Returning a stream of messages.

'use strict';

const _h = require('highland');
const GmailBatchStream = require('gmail-batch-stream');

// Setup Gmail Batch Stream
const GBS = new GmailBatchStream(process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN); //create new instance of GmailBatchStream with provided access token
const gmail = GBS.gmail(); //return pseudo gmail api client (drop-in replacement for official Gmail API client)

//create stream of message ids to be loaded (first page of messages.list)
const messageIdStream = _h([gmail.users.messages.list({userId: 'me'})])
.pipe(GBS.pipeline(1, 5))

.map(messageId => gmail.users.messages.get({ userId: 'me', id: messageId, format: 'metadata' }))
.pipe(GBS.pipeline(100, 5)) //Run in batches of 100. Use quota of 5 (for users.messages.get).
.done(() => {


Inspired by wapisasa/batchelor and pradeep-mishra/google-batch.