zoellner / sharp-heic-lambda-layer

Lambda Layer providing sharp with HEIC support
MIT License
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Sharp for AWS Lambda (with HEIC support)

AWS Lambda Layer providing sharp with HEIC (and WebP) support

Build Status



Due to potential license concerns for the HEVC patent group, this repo can't be provided in the most convenient way which would be a shared lambda layer or an Application in the AWS Serverless Repo.

But you can compile and deploy this lambda layer yourself at your own risk and use it wihin your own accounts. All you need is an S3 bucket to deploy the compiled code to (replace your-s3-bucket in the code snippet below). Please see the note below regarding the build process.

It is recommended to automate this process using AWS CodeBuild. A buildspec file is provided in the repo. In that case you'll have to set the SAM_BUCKET environment variable in CodeBuild. For other environment variables see the table below. The base image that should be used is aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:5.0.

A sample CloudFormation template is provided to setup the CodeBuild project, sample-buildproject.yaml.

npm run build
SAM_BUCKET=your-s3-bucket npm run deploy

The example can be deployed using the following commands

cd examples
sam build
sam deploy --guided

Lambda Layer

Environment Variables for build

Name Required Default Value Description
SAM_BUCKET yes Name of S3 Bucket to store layer
S3_PREFIX no sharp-heic-lambda-layer Prefix within S3 Bucket to store layer
STACK_NAME no sharp-heic-lambda-layer Name of CloudFormation stack
LAYER_NAME no sharp-heic Name of layer
AWS_REGION no us-east-1 AWS Region to deploy to
ORGANIZATION_ID no none ID of Organization to grant access to layer
PRINCIPAL no account Principal to grant access to layer

For details on ORGANIZATION_ID and PRINCIPAL please see the equivalent properties in the CloudFormation Docs.

The special value none for ORGANIZATION_ID is used to disable organization based access. The special value account for PRINCIPAL is used to give access to the account the layer is deployed to.

The environment variables are used to create a samconfig.toml file that configures the sam package and sam deploy commands.

Note regarding build process

Previously, some custom docker images were needed to build this layer. AWS has since published newer images which work out of the box. saml-cli version v1.33.0 is using public.ecr.aws/sam/build-nodejs14.x:latest-x86_64


This repo exists as it is rather painful to compile all libraries required to get sharp to work with HEIC/HEIF files in an AWS Lambda environment. The sharp repository has several issues related to this.

Layer contents

This lambda layer contains the node module sharp. But unlike a normal installation via npm i sharp this layer does not use the prebuilt sharp and libvips binaries. This layer compiles libwebp, libde265, libheif, libvips, and sharp from source in order to provide HEIC/HEIF (and webp) functionality in an AWS Lambda environment.


The following table lists the release version of this repo together with the version of each dependency. Patch versions are related to the build process or documentation and have the same dependencies as the minor version. release sharp libvips libheif libwebp libde265 x265 libaom nodejs
1.2.0 0.28.2 8.10.6 1.12.0 1.2.0 1.0.8 - 12
1.1.0 0.27.0 8.10.5 1.10.0 1.1.0 1.0.8 - 12
2.0.0 0.29.1 8.11.3 1.12.0 1.2.1 1.0.8 - 14
3.0.0 0.30.7 8.12.2 1.12.0 1.2.4 1.0.8 - 16
3.1.0 0.30.7 8.12.2 1.12.0 1.2.4 1.0.8 - 16
3.2.0 0.30.7 8.12.2 1.12.0 1.3.2 1.0.12 - 16
4.1.0 0.33.3 8.15.2 1.17.6 1.4.0 1.0.15 3.6 20
4.1.3 0.33.3 8.15.2 1.17.6 1.4.0 1.0.15 3.6 20
4.2.0 0.33.5 8.15.3 1.18.2 1.4.0 1.0.15 3.6 3.9.1 20



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Related Resources

Visit sharp.pixelplumbing.com for complete instructions on sharp.

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