zolantris / ValheimMods

Collection of ValheimMods, ValheimRaft (originally created by Sarcen) and a few other upcoming mods including a vehicles mod.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

Custom Sail Texture Not Saved On Reload #103

Open aMoonBaboon opened 3 weeks ago

aMoonBaboon commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

The custom textures being applied to the sails won't be saved when reloading the game. The files are located in Assets/Sails. They are able to be found and selected and they display correctly, but after reloading the game they revert to the default "sail.png"

Steps to reproduce

  1. Place Custom texture in ValheimRaft/Assets/Sails
  2. Create Raft with Custom Sail
  3. Edit Custom Sail for "Edit Sail", change to your named file, select "close", then select "save"
  4. Save and Logout
  5. Load world back up, the sail texture has revered to sail.png

Log outputs

[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - valheim (4/10/2024 11:48:33 PM)
[Message:   BepInEx] User is running BepInExPack Valheim version 5.4.2202 from Thunderstore
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity v2022.3.17.5228416
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[Info   :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 15 plugins to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [PlantEasily 1.8.1]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AzuClock 1.0.3]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [NoTreeStump 1.0.1]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ComfyGizmo 1.10.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Instant Monster Drop 0.6.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Jotunn 2.20.1]
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing ModCompatibility
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing SynchronizationManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing NetworkManager
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Better Networking 2.3.2]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [QuickTeleport 1.0.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [PlanBuild 0.16.0]
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing InputManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing GUIManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing MockManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing PieceManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing PrefabManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing AssetManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing LocalizationManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing ItemManager
[Info   :PlanBuild.Blueprints.BlueprintManager] Initializing BlueprintManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing CommandManager
[Info   :PlanBuild.Blueprints.BlueprintSync] Loading known blueprints
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing UndoManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing KitbashManager
[Info   :PlanBuild.Plans.PlanManager] Initializing PlanManager
[Info   :PlanBuild.Patches] Applying Gizmo patches
[Error  : Unity Log] TypeLoadException: Could not load type ComfyGizmo.Patches.PlayerPatch, ComfyGizmo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null while decoding custom attribute: (null)
Stack trace:
System.MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributesBase (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider obj, System.Type attributeType, System.Boolean inheritedOnly) (at <17d9ce77f27a4bd2afb5ba32c9bea976>:0)
System.MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider obj, System.Type attributeType, System.Boolean inherit) (at <17d9ce77f27a4bd2afb5ba32c9bea976>:0)
System.MonoCustomAttrs.GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider obj, System.Boolean inherit) (at <17d9ce77f27a4bd2afb5ba32c9bea976>:0)
System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes (System.Boolean inherit) (at <17d9ce77f27a4bd2afb5ba32c9bea976>:0)
HarmonyLib.PatchTools+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<GetPatchMethod>b__0 (System.Reflection.MethodInfo m) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate, System.Boolean& found) (at <2a397996daff412691ae4781443e8e88>:0)
System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate) (at <2a397996daff412691ae4781443e8e88>:0)
HarmonyLib.PatchTools.GetPatchMethod (System.Type patchType, System.String attributeName) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor..ctor (HarmonyLib.Harmony instance, System.Type type, System.Boolean allowUnannotatedType) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.Harmony.CreateClassProcessor (System.Type type, System.Boolean allowUnannotatedType) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Type type) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
PlanBuild.Patches.Apply () (at <1b3521b4b98c4a57af1b59922e75f8de>:0)
PlanBuild.PlanBuildPlugin.Awake () (at <1b3521b4b98c4a57af1b59922e75f8de>:0)

[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [FuelEternal 1.2.1]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Display BepInEx Info In-Game 2.0.2]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Equipment and Quick Slots 2.1.13]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [RecyclePlus 1.2.8]
[Info   :RecyclePlus] RecyclePlusMain Loaded!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [No Rain Damage 1.2.2]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ValheimRAFT 2.1.1]
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.Patches.PatchController] Applying PlanBuild Patch
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege Multiplayer is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege UserGeneratedContent is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege CrossPlay is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:17: Set background loading budget to Low

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:18: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:18: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:18: Starting to load scene:start.unity (169d7618616154c03be07e9ad3af5893)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:18: Set background loading budget to Normal

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:22: Set background loading budget to High

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Set background loading budget to Low

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Missing audio clip in music respawn

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Using environment steamid 892970

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Using steam APPID:892970

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Authentication:k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Attempting

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Steam initialized, persona:giovonti

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198099026307"

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Using default prefs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Valheim version: 0.218.15 (network version 27)

[Info   : Unity Log] Trying to set graphic mode to 'Custom'
[Info   : Unity Log] Graphic mode 'Custom' is not or no longer supported. Fallback to default mode for platform...
[Info   : Unity Log] Graphic mode 'Custom' applied!
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:32: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 24 commands to the Console
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Render threading mode:MultiThreaded

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Set button "CamZoomIn" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Set button "CamZoomOut" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Set button "CamZoomIn" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Set button "CamZoomOut" to None!

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.InputManager] Registering 5 custom inputs
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #2 - 'heightmap_message' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #3 - 'localization_hildir' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #4 - 'localization_emotes' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #5 - 'localization_ashlands' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #2 - 'heightmap_message' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #3 - 'localization_hildir' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #4 - 'localization_emotes' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:33: Loaded localization file #5 - 'localization_ashlands' language: 'English'

[Info   :Jotunn.Main] Initializing KeyHintManager
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.KitbashManager] Applying Kitbash in 1 objects
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 3 custom items to the ObjectDB
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:34: Sending PlayFab login request (attempt 1)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:34: Starting music menu

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:34: PlayFab logged in as "Steam_76561198099026307"

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:34: PlayFab local entity ID is B92D671D74A997C5

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:53: show character selection

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:54: OnCharacterStart

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Loading main scene

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Steam initialized, persona:giovonti

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198099026307"

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Using default prefs

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 24 commands to the Console
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Loading player profile brokkr builder

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: isModded: True

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Zonesystem Awake 4460

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: DungeonDB Awake 4460

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Steam initialized, persona:giovonti

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:17:58: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'TastyChickenLegs.RecyclePlus ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 59 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 3 custom items to the ObjectDB
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 3 custom recipes to the ObjectDB
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 47 custom pieces to the PieceTables
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.NetworkManager] Registering 5 custom RPCs
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: Zonesystem Start 4460

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 2 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: Added 4 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: Added 24 locations, 33 vegetations, 8 environments, 2 biome env-setups, 2 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:00: DungeonDB Start 4460

[Warning:PlanBuild.Plans.PlanDB] Warning for mod developers:
Multiple pieces with the same m_name but different resource requirements, this will cause issues with Player.m_knownRecipes!
Piece.m_name: $piece_yuleklapp
 Requirements: $item_finewood:2, $item_bonefragments:1
 Pieces: piece_gift1

 Requirements: $item_finewood:3, $item_dandelion:1
 Pieces: piece_gift2

 Requirements: $item_finewood:4, $item_raspberries:1
 Pieces: piece_gift3

Piece.m_name: $valheim_vehicles_hull_wall 2x2
 Requirements: $item_wood:10
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Wood_2x2

 Requirements: $item_iron:2
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Iron_2x2

Piece.m_name: $valheim_vehicles_hull_wall 4x4
 Requirements: $item_wood:10
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Wood_4x4

 Requirements: $item_iron:2
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Iron_4x4

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: ZRpc timeout set to 30s 

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: ZNET START

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Load world: TheMonkeyLagoon (TheMonkeyLagoon)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Loading 23630 zdos, my sessionID: -1174182983, data version: 34

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Loading in ZDOs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Adding to Dictionary

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Adding to Sectors

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Connecting Portals, Spawners & ZSyncTransforms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Loaded 11398 locations

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Unloading unused assets

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Loading minimap textures done [233ms]

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Minimap: unpacking compressed mapData 8329 => 8388617 bytes

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: Starting respawn

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:01: tip:$loadscreen_tip04

[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Info   :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController pieces 2478
[Info   :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController pendingPieces 0
[Info   :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController allPieces 1
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] Unable skin the associated mesh with bone count: 0, Cloth component disabled. Please check that at least one of the bones is assigned.
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:10: Spawned after 8.019994

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:10: Missing stat for guardian power: 

[Info   :PlanBuild.Blueprints.BlueprintManager] Registering known blueprints
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:10: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:10: Minimap: Adding unique location (-1.90, 40.40, -0.62)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:12: Starting music meadows

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:12: Resumed music meadows at 0

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:23: Starting music evening

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:24: Stopped music meadows at 515558

[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD CornerA
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD CornerB
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD CornerC
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD CornerD
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SideA
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SideB
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SideC
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SideD
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD CornerA
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD CornerB
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD CornerC
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SideA
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SideB
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SideC
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SailRotationToggle
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SailShrinkingToggle
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD SailClothToggle
[Info   :ValheimRAFT.UI.PanelUtil+<>c] PANEL_UTIL CHILD Item
[Error  : Unity Log] Material 'SailMat (Instance)' with Shader 'Custom/VehicleSailShader' doesn't have a float or range property '_MainRotation'
[Error  : Unity Log] Material 'SailMat (Instance)' with Shader 'Custom/VehicleSailShader' doesn't have a float or range property '_MainRotation'
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:53: Activating default element Continue

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Available space to current user: 208603455488. Saving is blocked if below: 3111352 bytes. Warnings are given if below: 6222704

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Minimap: compressed mapData 8388617 => 8329 bytes

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Cloud Save: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch.old

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Considering autobackup. World time: 52.28, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: PrepareSave: clone done in 2ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: PrepareSave: ZDOExtraData.PrepareSave done in 9 ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:54: Activating default element Continue

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:55: Available space to current user: 208603455488. Saving is blocked if below: 3110846 bytes. Warnings are given if below: 6221692

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:55: Shutting down

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Minimap: compressed mapData 8388617 => 8329 bytes

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Cloud Save: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch.old

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Considering autobackup. World time: 53.54, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: ZNet Shutdown

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: PrepareSave: clone done in 1ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: PrepareSave: ZDOExtraData.PrepareSave done in 2 ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Unloading unused assets

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Sending disconnect msg

[Info   : Unity Log] ZPlayFabMatchmaking::UnregisterServer - unregistering server now. State: Uninitialized
[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Local player destroyed

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: ZNet OnDestroy

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Net scene destroyed

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Steam initialized, persona:giovonti

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198099026307"

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Using default prefs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Valheim version: 0.218.15 (network version 27)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 24 commands to the Console
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Render threading mode:MultiThreaded

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:56: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 3 custom items to the ObjectDB
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:18:57: Starting music menu

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:00: show character selection

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:01: OnCharacterStart

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Loading main scene

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Audioman already exist, destroying self

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Steam initialized, persona:giovonti

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198099026307"

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Using default prefs

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 24 commands to the Console
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Loading player profile brokkr builder

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: isModded: True

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Zonesystem Awake 8798

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: DungeonDB Awake 8798

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Steam initialized, persona:giovonti

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:04: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info   : Unity Log] Registered 'TastyChickenLegs.RecyclePlus ConfigSync' RPC - waiting for incoming connections
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 407 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 3 custom items to the ObjectDB
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 3 custom recipes to the ObjectDB
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 381 custom pieces to the PieceTables
[Info   :Jotunn.Managers.NetworkManager] Registering 5 custom RPCs
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Zonesystem Start 8798

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 2 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Added 4 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Added 24 locations, 33 vegetations, 8 environments, 2 biome env-setups, 2 clutter  from main

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: DungeonDB Start 8798

[Warning:PlanBuild.Plans.PlanDB] Warning for mod developers:
Multiple pieces with the same m_name but different resource requirements, this will cause issues with Player.m_knownRecipes!
Piece.m_name: $piece_yuleklapp
 Requirements: $item_finewood:2, $item_bonefragments:1
 Pieces: piece_gift1

 Requirements: $item_finewood:3, $item_dandelion:1
 Pieces: piece_gift2

 Requirements: $item_finewood:4, $item_raspberries:1
 Pieces: piece_gift3

Piece.m_name: $valheim_vehicles_hull_wall 2x2
 Requirements: $item_wood:10
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Wood_2x2

 Requirements: $item_iron:2
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Iron_2x2

Piece.m_name: $valheim_vehicles_hull_wall 4x4
 Requirements: $item_wood:10
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Wood_4x4

 Requirements: $item_iron:2
 Pieces: ValheimVehicles_Hull_Wall_Iron_4x4

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: ZRpc timeout set to 30s 

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: ZNET START

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Load world: TheMonkeyLagoon (TheMonkeyLagoon)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Loading 23630 zdos, my sessionID: 88921794, data version: 34

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Loading in ZDOs

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Adding to Dictionary

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Adding to Sectors

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Connecting Portals, Spawners & ZSyncTransforms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Loaded 11398 locations

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Unloading unused assets

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Loading minimap textures done [219ms]

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:06: Minimap: unpacking compressed mapData 8329 => 8388617 bytes

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:07: Starting respawn

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:07: tip:$loadscreen_tip05

[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Info   :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController pieces 2478
[Info   :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController pendingPieces 0
[Info   :ValheimVehicles.Vehicles.BaseVehicleController] BaseVehicleController allPieces 1
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] Unable skin the associated mesh with bone count: 0, Cloth component disabled. Please check that at least one of the bones is assigned.
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Error  : Unity Log] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be coplanar.
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to create Convex Mesh from source mesh "". An internal unspecified error has occured that could mean the Quickhull algorithm found the input mesh topologically challenging. 
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:15: Spawned after 8.019994

[Warning: Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:15: Missing stat for guardian power: 

[Info   :PlanBuild.Blueprints.BlueprintManager] Registering known blueprints
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:15: Skipping unloading unused assets

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:15: Minimap: Adding unique location (-1.90, 40.40, -0.62)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:25: Activating default element Continue

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:25: Available space to current user: 207514681344. Saving is blocked if below: 3110846 bytes. Warnings are given if below: 6221692

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Minimap: compressed mapData 8388617 => 8329 bytes

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Cloud Save: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch.old

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Considering autobackup. World time: 18.54, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: PrepareSave: clone done in 3ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: PrepareSave: ZDOExtraData.PrepareSave done in 5 ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Activating default element Continue

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:26: Activating default element Continue

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:29: Available space to current user: 207514451968. Saving is blocked if below: 3110878 bytes. Warnings are given if below: 6221756

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Game - OnApplicationQuit

[Info   : Unity Log] Am I Host? True
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Available space to current user: 207514451968. Saving is blocked if below: 3110878 bytes. Warnings are given if below: 6221756

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Shutting down

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Minimap: compressed mapData 8388617 => 8329 bytes

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Cloud Save: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch.old

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Steam Cloud Move: 84619 bytes. /characters/brokkr builder.fch.new -> /characters/brokkr builder.fch

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Steam writing file chunks 1 / 1, (84619 bytes)

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Considering autobackup. World time: 22.48, short time: 7200, long time: 43200, backup count: 4

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Skipping backup. World session not long enough.

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: ZNet Shutdown

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: PrepareSave: clone done in 1ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: PrepareSave: ZDOExtraData.PrepareSave done in 2 ms

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Unloading unused assets

[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Sending disconnect msg

[Info   : Unity Log] ZPlayFabMatchmaking::UnregisterServer - unregistering server now. State: Uninitialized
[Info   : Unity Log] 06/10/2024 19:19:30: Stopping build thread


- **OS**: Windows 11 
- **Graphics**: DX11 
- **BepInEx**: 5.4.2202
- Jotunn 2.20.1
- **ValheimRAFT**: 2.1.1
zolantris commented 3 weeks ago

What is QuickHullConvexHullLib? That fires an error about meshes. Could be breaking sail meshes.

aMoonBaboon commented 3 weeks ago

I have no clue what QuickHullConvexHullLib would be. I haven't created any mods or assets myself. Here's my mod list though:

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 CW_Jesse-BetterNetworking_Valheim-2.3.2 Marf-FuelEternal-1.2.1 Advize-PlantEasily-1.8.1 Azumatt-AzuClock-1.0.3 OdinPlus-QuickTeleport-1.0.0 RandyKnapp-EquipmentAndQuickSlots-2.1.13 blacks7ar-NoTreeStump-1.0.1 TastyChickenLegs-RecyclePlus-1.2.8 ValheimModding-Jotunn-2.20.1 zolantris-ValheimRAFT-2.1.1 ComfyMods-Gizmo-1.10.0 ValheimModding-HookGenPatcher-0.0.4 MathiasDecrock-PlanBuild-0.16.0 cjayride-InstantMonsterLootDrop-0.6.0 JoelOliMclean-NoRainDamage-1.2.2

aMoonBaboon commented 3 weeks ago

I've done another test on a new world with just the valheimRaft mod. I'm noting getting the QuickHullConvexHullLib when loading anymore. The image for "sail" still won't save. However the images for "logo" having been consistently saving.